To contribute to help keep this web site available, please send a check for any amount. Suggested amounts are $10.00 to $100.00.
Make your check payable to James B. Hartline and mail to: 2449 Asheby Woods Ct., Kernersville, NC 27284.
We are trying to build up an account to pay for it in the future. I am 80 and I still work, so I have been supplementing it. I don't know how much longer I can continue this.
Whatever you send will go toward the cost of internet service which is paid annually in August.
We received enough contributions to pay for 2009 through 2017.
If this site has been helpful to you, and you want it to continue to be available, please consider a contribution. If we do not have enough in the account to pay for the site, it will be shutdown and lost. If you can help, please do.
I have spent over 40 years gathering the information for this Hartline site at my own expense. It would be a shame to lose it now. Thanks.
Instructions for Navigating this Web Page
There are a number of suggestions that will help you understand how this web page is constructed and will allow you to take advantage of the utilities built into it to locate your ancestors and family easily.
IMPORTANT: USE INTERNET EXPLORER FOR BEST RESULTS. Other browsers may cause photos to be displayed in improper locations.
Order of site:
1. This site begins with a dedication page, followed by a page honoring our relatives who have been recognized as outstanding members of our country.
2. Next will be a listing of people found in records in Germany, in the area from which our ancestors came, but whom we have not been able, yet, to determine a verified connection to our family.
3. After this, you will find the Authentic Lines that have positive verification. Some of the persons listed were researched by other members of the family and we have accepted them to be correct, unless we get word to the contrary from other members of the same lines.
If you see incorrect information, please send us an email and we will make the necessary corrections if you have documents to back it up. Good sources are: Family Bibles, Land records, Wills, Deeds, Census records, etc.
1. HOTLINKS. There are links to take you from one generation to another is two ways. All you do is click them with your left mouse button. They are:

"A" to the right side of a name will take you to that person's parents page.

"D" to the right of a name will take you to that person's family listing.
"Will" under a listing will take you to that person's will. (We have several.)
"Photograph" Will take you to their photo.
"Tombstone, or Gravestone" will take you to a photo of their tombstone, if we have it.

You will find other such links leading to additional information. They will always be blue before you click them.
When you find a person in your direct line, you can click "A" to find their parents, then click "A" by the parent's name to go back another generation, continuing on to your earliest listed ancestor. Similarly, you can click "D" and go down a generation at a time.
2. Photographs: Photos next to titles may be too small to see clearly. They can be enlarged by left clicking on them. After you have viewed the enlarged photo, there will be a link to return to your previous location.
If you wish to save a copy of a picture, or print it, right click and it will give you options to do this.
If you do not find a "link" to return you to your former location, or find yourself somewhere that you don't want
to be, simply click "back" on the tool bar and it will return you to your previous location.
3. We may add other features as we find helpful ones.