Alvin Franklin Hartline was born June 13, 1863, in Hereford township of Berks County, Pennsylvania, a son of Elijah and Sarah Anna Reichert Hartline. (1) Alvin was baptized on August 9, 1863 in Berks County (2) He married on October 7, 1893 in Snyder Nebraska to Massie Ann Wetzel, born March 2, 1874 in Morrison, (Brown County) Wisconsin. (3) They had the following children: (4)
Beulah Mae Hartline, born July 31, 1894, married a Carle and had six children. She died in Bancroft, Nebraska, July 31, 1944. D
Roy Rennive Hartline, born March 28, 1896. D
Effie Ethel Hartline, born December 28, 1897, married Henry Witt and moved to Bancroft, Nebraska. They have three sons.
LaVerne Esther Hartline, born October 29, 1899, married Francis Stafford and had five children. D
Mabel Irene Hartline, born January l9, 1902, married Carl Trautman and had five children. D
William Enoch Hartline, born February 18, 1905. D
Erma Margaret Hartline, born May 7, 1907, married McGlauflin and had three children and adopted two others. D
Bernadine Elizabeth Irene Hartline, born January 7, 1915, married Eddie Watterman and moved to Omaha.
She now lives in Sioux City, Iowa. D
As a young man, Alvin worked in the coal mines in Pennsylvania, (5) but later was apprenticed as a carpenter. When he was twenty-one, some friends who had moved to Nebraska urged him to come west, so in 1885, he went by train to West Point, Nebraska, arriving on January 29.
There he worked as a carpenter, soon having a crew of men working for him as he helped build the new town. He built the county courthouse, city auditorium, Grace Lutheran Church and many of the store buildings along with numerous houses and farm buildings. In the West Point Centennial, printed in 1959, he was featured in an article as one who had contributed greatly to the physical growth of the town.
Massie Ann Wetzel, whom he married in 1893, was the daughter of Enoch and Elizabeth Wetzel, formerly of Pennsylvania, although she was born in Wisconsin. The family moved to near West Point, Nebraska and her mother died when Massie was a child. She lived with her father and older sisters, Mary, Laura, Beccie, Winnie, Emma and brothers Francis, Alan and Addison. Massie told of picking up buffalo chips for fuel while staying with her sister in a log house. Her father was a mason by trade, and a founder of the West Point Evangelical Church known as "Brick Church."
The eight children of Alvin and Massie were born at West Point. Alvin enjoyed his big family and loved to take the children on hikes, especially to the "Creamery hill" to pick wild flowers. Many Sundays he would rent a surrey "with the fringe on top" and take the family to visit relatives in the country.
During World War I, the family moved to Bancroft, Nebraska, and LaVerne and Mabel married. After serving in the military, Roy also married a Fairfax girl. In 1921, the family moved to Fairfax, South Dakota, where in 1925, to Springfield, Nebraska. Alvin and sons, Roy and Bill, all did carpentry work in Springfield and Omaha. Erma and Bill married in Springfield, then because of lack of work during the depression, the folks moved back to Bancroft in 1932 where Bernadine married Eddie Watterman and moved to Omaha.
In 1945, they moved back to West Point, where Alvin died on March 4, 1950, age 86. Massie died on June 7, 1958, at 83. (6)
l-Birth Certificate. 2-Hlll Church. 3-Mrs. Delbert (Dorothy) Graves, 2601 Walnut, St. Joseph, Mo. 64503. 4- Ibid. 5-6Re-write of family history written by Bernadine Watteman about 1968-69.
Lizza Hartline was born April 13, 1863, daughter of Caleb and Julia Ann Carter Hartline of Union County, Illinois. She married Calvin Ellis, son of James and Louisa Rendleman Ellis March 4, 1879. He was born February 6, 1856. Lizza and Calvin had the following children:
Eva Dora Ellis, born February 13, 1880, died July 19, 1881.
Paul Hercules Ellis, born July 26, 1881, married Edith Jane Tripp.
Paul died April 7, 1946.
Frank Scott Ellis, born August 4, 1882, married Elizabeth Davis on March 25, 1908. He died in 1963.
Fannie Ellis, born August 29, 1883, married Cheney Grear.
Sidney Minnie Ellis, born October 17, 1884, married Harry L. Hartman, she died in 1966.
Charles Earl Ellis, born January 24, 1886.
Claude Ernest Ellis, born June 9, 1887, married Nonah Rinehart. He died in 1965.
Anna Louise Ellis, born January 26, 1889, never married, died in 1971.
Maude Mae Ellis, born August 17, 1892, never married.
Nell Grace Ellis, born June 24, 1894, married Wilbur K. Nueller,
George Jesse Ellis, born June 27, 1899, never married.
James Caleb Ellis, born June 27, 1899, married 1. Mary Tice. 2. Marie. James C. Ellis was an M.D.
Lizza died on January 12, 1906, and Calvin on May 18, 1934. Both are buried in Casper Church cemetery, Union County, Illinois. All their children were born near Anna, Illinois. (2)
1-LaWanda C. Wiley. 2-Headstones, Dr. John K. Ellis, Corvallis, Oregon, and Billee Snead Webb.
Benjamin P. Hartline was born in 1864, a son of John Pinkney and Celia Adaline Payne Oneal, Hartline, in Dade County, Georgia. (At this writing, we have no further information on Benjamin. Perhaps some member of this family will send in additional information on Benjamin and we will up-date it at that time.)
1- J. J. Duckworth.
Albert Hartline was born in 1864, in Berks County, Pennsylvania, a son of James A. and Esther A. Shollenberger Hartline, and grew up in Earl township of Berks County.
Albert married about 1886 to Elizabeth (Lizzie) Stofflet, born in 1870, and they had ten children:
Daniel Hartline, born August 20, 1887.
Maude Hartline, born January 23. 1891.
Anna Hartline, born March 12, 1893.
Mandilla Hartline, born April 11, 1895.
Ruth Hartline, born February 7, 1899.
Albert Hartline, born September 24, 1903.
Jacob E. and twin Paul, Hartline, born January 30, 1907. D
Joseph Hartline, born April 1, 1910
Albert, M.S. Hartline died in 1934 and Lizzie died in 1956.
1- H. Keffer Hartline, family records.
Brinton Hartlein was born October 6, 1864, son of Jared and Christine Wetzel Hartlein. Brinton was born and reared in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Elizabeth Adams, born September 3, 1862, and they had the following children:
Raymond Jacob Hartlein, born June 27, 1885, died June 26, 1938. D
Ida May Hartlein, born September 24, 1888, died March 18, 1951.
Gertrude Viola Hartlein, born April 8, 1896, died November 23, 1897.
Millison Flodella Hartlein, born December 10, 1902.
Brinton Hartlein died on December 17, 1932, and Mary Elizabeth died in 1927.
1-Mrs. Millison Hartlein Laubach, R. D. #l, Stillwater, Pennsylvania, 17878.
Enoch H. Hartline was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania in 1864, the eighth child of shoemaker Josiah D. and Anna
Hoffman Hartline. Enoch married Katie S. Swavely,(2) born in 1870, and they had a son:
Charles Madden Hartline, born June 19, 1892.
Enoch was a school teacher of Oley township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Enoch H. Hartline died in 1950. Katie S. Swavely Hartline died in 1955.
1-1870 U.S. Census Berks County and other scattered sources. 2-Tombstone, Spangsville, Berks County, PA.
Welsh Family
Effinger Enoch Hartline was born October 27, 1864, baptized December 25, 1864 (Sponsor: Parents), the son of Benjamin and Esther Ann (Pierman Hartline). He seems to have dropped the name Enoch in favor of P., probably for Pierman as this is how he is listed after he grew up. He married Magdalena “Mattie” Welsh, daughter of Daniel Welsh (1838, PA-1919, PA) and Rebecca Weiler (Oct 1, 1840, Lancaster County, PA – August 17, 1930, Douglassville, PA). (2)
Effinger Enoch (P.) Hartline died in 1934 and was buried at Oley Cemetery at Spangsville in Berks County, PA.
Magdalena W. Hartline died in 1943 and is buried beside her husband.
1-1870 U.S. Census Earl Township, Berks County, PA. 2-Tombstone information. 2-Daniel and Rebecca as well as Magdalena’s brothers Oscar and John Howard Welsh are buried in Shenkel UUC Cemetery, North Coventry, Chester, PA, information courtesy of Karen Hedrick, 2011.
John Kelly Hartline was born in Iredell County, North Carolina on April 11, 1865, a son of David Levi and Mary Ann Mills Hartline. His family lived near Statesville, and attended the St. Michael's Lutheran Church, where John Kelly was confirmed by Rev. H. M. Brown on November 12, 1882. On January 12, 1893, John married India Bernice Freeze, born February 21, 1875, daughter of R. L. Freeze, born June 16, 1848 and wife Eilsie day Freeze, born April 21, 1849. John Kelly and India B. had the following children:
Coit Victor Hartline, born December 18, 1893, married 1-Salona Jane Johnson, born November 24, 1892, two children. 2-Alice Chavez, born May 4, 1907 and they had no children. D
Albert David Hartline, born July 18, 1898, married Frances Munroe. D
John Ramath Hartline, born May 28, 1909, died January 7, 1970. D
John Kelly Hartline moved his family west to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and he was an inventor. He had several inventions patented, including some type of steam valves. John and India have numerous descendants, some in New Mexico and some around Colton, California. John did not correspond with his family in North Carolina for some years after going west, but eventually sent home pictures of himself and his inventions, to his father, David Levi.
John Kelly Hartline died August 31, 1934 and India B. Hartline died in March of 1962.
l-Alice Chavez, 635 Jackson St. Colton, Calif. 92324, Erma Hartline, 1031 N 2nd Street, Colton Calif. 92324.
George Washington Hartlein was born June 21, 1865, in Mahantango township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, first child of Joseph and Lydia Reabuck Hartlein. George W. married Elmira Drumheller, daughter of Levi T. and Lydia Daniels Drumheller of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. (2) They had the following children:
Grover C. Hartlein, who died in infancy.
Lydia Daniels Drumheller Hartlein, born in 1886, died in 1902. She had one child, Irene May, born December 31, 1900, baptized September 13, 1901, after Lydia's death, her daughter was reared by George and Elmira Hartlein.
Nola Neona Hartlein, born February 26, 1892, baptized March 3, 1893.
George Orion Hartlein, born June 8, 1895, baptized January 12, 1896, died September 1971.
Clarence W. Hartlein, born March 21, 1889, married Harriet (Hattie) Neihart and lived in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, Clarence died in 1965. D
George Washington Hartlein died on April 16, 1926.
1-Mrs. Chester C. (Mary) Hartlein, Lansdale, Pennsylvania. 2-Historical & Biographical Annals of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, Morton L. Montgomery, 1909.
(1865- )
Calvin M. Hartline was born about 1865 in Union County, Illinois, a son of John Henry and Criss Ann Beaver Hartline.
Calvin married on July 27, 1890 to Malinda Waggoner, and they had the following child:
Charles Hartline, born about 1899, D married on August 24, 1918, in Union Count to Emma Sowers Beggs, born about 1899, daughter of John Sowers and Ella Patterson Sowers. (2)
1-LaWanda C. Wiley. 2-marriage records, Jonesboro, Illinois.
(1865- 1935)
Thomas Henry Hartline was born October 6, 1865, a son of Robert Hilmon and Narcissus Caroline (Cox) Hartline, in the Broomtown district of Cherokee County, Alabama. He married Carry Hill.
C. C. (Pat) Hartline, born July 21, 1887, Died in WWI in France in 1919.
James Edgar (Jim) Hartline, born September 07, 1888. D
Clifford Christopher (Chris) Hartline, born May 7, 1890.
Olea (Lea) Hartline, born December 15, 1891.
Odessa Mildred Hartline, born February 16, 1894, died January 4, 1985.
Hosa (Tobe) Hartline, born February 19, 1896.
Ralph (Red) Hartline, born December 1, 1897.
Earl Hartline, born February 20, 1900.
Ivy Jo Hartline, born May 8, 1901.
Eula Madge Hartline, born March 1, 1903, died February 10, 1985.
Corene (Dee) Hartline, born April 25, 1905, died 1983.
Irene Hartline, born August 17, 1909.
Robert (Bobby) Hartline, born October 17, 1911.
Thomas Henry Hartline grew up in Cherokee County, Alabama. He and his wife Carry moved to California around 1900.
Thomas Henry died May 5, 1935. He and his wife, Carry (Hill) Hartline are buried next to each other in the Visalia Public Cemetery, Visalia, California (plot: Sec. F-1, Tier 5, Grave 20).
1-Charles Arthur (Chuck) Hartline, J. J. Duckworth, 2-Edna (Mrs. Leonard S.) Hartline, Farmers Branch, Texas.
(1866- )
John Milton Hartline was born in Monroe County, Ohio about 1866, a son of John C. and Armina (Boughner) Hartline. John Married Nancy Rud Cunningham and they had one child:
John Milton Hartline, Jr., born November 12, 1886, in Jefferson district of Pleasants County, West Virginia.
Nancy R. Hartline died and John married again on February 10, 1888, to a Washington, Ohio girl, Martha Jane Carpenter, daughter of David Carpenter 1832 and wife Sarah Jane (Craig) Carpenter. Martha Jane was born April 15, 1856. She was the widow of his brother Joseph Hartline who died in 1884.
They had the following children:
Charles S. Hartline, born December 12, 1888, at French Creek, Jefferson District.
Mary Jane B. Hartline, born December 4, 1890.
Grover Cleveland Hartline, born December 16, 1892.
Stella Mae Hartline, born April 8, 1895.
Sarah A. Hartline, born May 26, 1897.
Martha Jane Hartline died Feb. 2, 1956, age 99.
1-St. Marys, West Virginia Courthouse, marriage book 1, and other family records. 2-Dave Hartline.
Silas Hartline was born May 19, 1866, a son of George and Elizabeth Lingle Hartline in Union County, Illinois. He married on June 30, 1885, to Nora Woods with the ceremony conducted by J. F. F. Wallace, J. P. and husband of America Hartline. Nora was born October 24, 1870. Silas and Nora had eleven children:
Irvin Julius Hartline, born September 25, 1886. D
Ruby Hartline, born about 1889. D
Bethenia Hartline
Essie Hartline, born about 1894. D
Alta Hartline
George Allen Hartline, born in Cobden, Union County, Ill, September 25, 1898. (2) D
Archie Fountain Hartline, born June 30, 1899. D
Lois Hartline, married Joe Miller, one son.
Beulah Hartline
Thorvil Lee Hartline, married Wanda, children:

Billy Lee, born April 27, 1934, died January 9, 1992.

Jackie Leroy b. January 10, 1936, died January 26, 2000.

Thorvil died in 1971.
Edward Hartline, born about 1906.
Silas Hartline died in Vergennes (Jackson County, IL), August 20, 1940.
1-LaWanda C. Wiley, marriage records, Earl Penrod, Mary Hatley Zink. 2-George James Hartline.
Daniel Schollenberger Hartline was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, the son of James A. and Esther Anna Schollenberger Hartline. Daniel attended Pottstown High School, and taught school, graduating from West Chester Normal School in June of 1870. Harriet was the daughter of Professor Washington Keffer of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. (1) They had a son:
Haldan Keffer, born December 22, 1903. D
In 1934, Dr. Daniel S. Hartline was head of the department of science at Bloomsburg State Teachers College in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, and past president of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. (2)
On June 13, 1938, the following article appeared in a Reading, Pennsylvania newspaper: Oldest person to climb 13,766 foot-high Grand Teton mountain, in Wyoming, is Professor D. S. Hartline of Bloomsburgh, Pa. He was 68 years, 11 months old, when he scaled the peak in Grand Teton National Park. A March 8, 1969 article in another newspaper, (3) tells of the dedication of Hartline Hal1 on the campus of Bloomsburg College, and states that Professor Daniel S. Hartline was professor of biology there for many years. The Hall was dedicated to Professor Hartline, his wife Harriet and his son Haldan Keffer Hartline, a Nobel prize winner. It states that Professor Hartline was affectionately known as "Danny" on the campus.
During the years as Professor of Science at Bloomsburgh, another Hartline, a young lady named Florence, came to study at the college. Since the last names were the same, and Florence needed a place to board she was invited to live at Professor Hartline's home. She remained there after the death of Daniel in 1943, with Harriet who was quite ill. Harriet died in 1946.
Daniel and Florence did not suppose that they were relatives, or did not know of a family connection. Florence is now the wife of S. Clifton Kindt of Danville, Pennsylvania, and the family relationship to Daniel has been established, that they, in fact, were related, as are almost all Hartlines which we have trace out.
1-Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Keffer) Hartline.. 2-Reading Eagle, Sat. March 31, 1934. 3-Name of paper unknown, clipping in possession of author, received from H.K. Hartline, son of subject.
Adda Hartline was born July 28, 1866, at Pleasantville, Pennsylvania, daughter of James A. and Rebecca Grummis Hartline.
She married Calvin Romig, warman, Montgomery County, PA. The lived in Pottstown, PA and had the following children:
Anna Romig, born January 31, 1887, lived over night.
Edward H. Romig born May 10, 1889 married Anna Herpst February 8, 1907.
Emma Romig, born August 30, 1891, married Frederic C. Beck June 11, 1919.
William Romig, born December 9, 1893, married Rogene Dellicker.
James Henry Romig, born August 9, 1897, married Gertrude Moyer June 14, 1922.
Martha Esther Romig, born April 28, 1905, married William Fetterolf September 30, 1933.
Ralph Romig, born November 20, 1906, married Marian Mauger April 21, 1928.
May Elizabeth Romig, born May 8, 1911, married Harold McCurdy April 24, 1937.
Emma Romig married Frederic C. Beck June 11, 1919 and lived at Swarthmore, PA. They had one child:
Margaret Beck, born December 20, 1926 at Springfield, Del. Co., Pennsylvania, married Joseph Latzo in 1952 in Frankfurt, Germany. Both were U.S. Army Officers.
Steven, born in Frankfurt 1953.
Carol Latzo Porter, born Alberdeen, MD 1956, graduated from Bob Jones University in Production, Radio and TV. She married Mark Porter and both worked on “Show My People” (BJU-TV program) staff before & after graduation. His granddad wrote tract, “God’s Simple Plan of Salvation,” and they are now in Martinsville, Indiana producing this tract. (Written by Margaret Latzo November 1983).
1-Source for page: Margaret Beck Latzo.
John Walter Hartline was born August 17, 1886, a son of Benjamin Franklin and Mary Lingle Hartline of Union County, IL.
John never married. He was a co-founder of the City of Hartline, WA. He also laid out and incorporated Longview, WA which is about fifty miles down the Columbia River from Portland, OR. It is now a city of about 30,000 plus and a logging center and port. It was advertised in the Saturday Evening Post in the late teens and early 1920s. It was planned for the future with broad streets and beautiful parks.
John was grubstaked by his brothers and sisters and his father and staked out coal claims of 160 acres each in Alaska in 1905 and made improvements.
These claims were consolidated into the Hartline-Alaska Coal Company on August 12, l910 with a capital stock value of one million dollars.
John fought the case to the highest courts to retain the claims, but it was lost to the Van Swearingen Railroad interests of Ohio. It was later sold for ten million dollars.
John was a big man and not inclined to allow himself to be run over. In 1935, at age forty-nine, he had a scrap with two young men in a restaurant in Fresno, CA. He won the fight and returned to pay the owner for the damages, but the owner refused to accept it, saying: "That's the best fight I've seen in years."
In 1946, at age 60, John was working as a night clerk in a small downtown hotel in San Francisco. He died in l948.
1-B.F. (Bass) Hartline, Anna Illinois, J.J. Duckworth.
Walter Hartline was born in 1867 in Union County, Illinois a son of George and Elizabeth Lingle Hartline. Walter married Ruth Coleman, September 1, 1892, and lived at Mt. Glenn, near Cobden, Union County. Ruth was born in 1874. Walter and Ruth had the following children:
Francis Hartline, born 1904, married 1. Jessie Winn, February 20, 1922, 2. Mae Hunsaker of Cobden, born 1907, daughter of Virgil and Cora Hunsaker on August 22, 1925, Union County. Child Curtis, born 1934, near Cobden.
Sidney Hartline, born 1913, married June 17, 1938 to Mildred Fears, born 1920, daughter of Alonzo and Nellie Fears. Marriage by Edgar Hartline, J. P. Children: Gary D. born April 21, 1939 and Karen, born November 18, 1946.
Walter died on August 7, 1932 and is buried at Casper Cemetery.
1-Sidney Hartline, Mt. Glenn, Ill.
Mary Jane Hartline was born March 2, 1867, in Iredell County, North Carolina, near Statesville, the daughter of David Levi and Mary Ann Mills Hartline. She married on February 25, 1885, to Thomas Loftin, and they had the following children:
Lillie Mae Loftin, married William W. Brown.
Thomas Percy Loftin, married Bonnie Lytton.
Grover Excell Loftin, married Rosa Snock.
Stokes Mill Loftin, married Vannie Orren.
David Moore Loftin, married Alma Compton.
Foy Tate Loftin, married Mary Katherine Hethcox.
Mary Emma Loftin, never married.
John H. Loftin married Shirley Shook.
Harry G. Loftin, married Louise Douglas.
Robert Fred (Jack) Loftin married Lelia H. Winecoff.
Mary Jane Hartline Loftin died October 11, 1951.
1-Eloise Walter, Salisbury, NC.
John Cambel Hartline was born near Rising Fawn, Georgia, March 23, 1867, a son of John Pinkney and Cecilia Adeline Payne Hartline. John married Pheobe Belle Lowery, born December 1, 1870, at the residence of James Lowery on February 20, 1890, B. O. Hartline, witness.
Their Children:
Rufus Marion Hartline, born December 25, 1890. D
Marvin Alexander Hartline, born January 16, 1893, moved to Oklahoma, his grandson Ronnie became an Oklahoma football star. D
Johnnie B. Hartline born April 24, 1898, married Barry Seaman Chambers, born January 24, 1891 and lived at Valley Head, Alabama. Their sons were J. who lived in Chattanooga and Monk, living in Florida.
Willie (female) Hartline born November 20, 1907, married Leonard Morgan and live in Florida.
Fredrich Hartline, born May 17, 1902, died with no children.
Eulah Hartline, born May 10, 1911, married W. D. Chadwick, lives at Valley Head Alabama with their three sons.
John Cambel Hartline died on September 17, 1941, and his wife had died earlier, on December 14, 1934. John and Belle are buried at Head Springs Cemetery, eight miles above Hammondsville, Alabama on Highway US 11, along with several other Hartlines.
1- O.J. and Annie B. Hartline, J. J. Duckworth.
Melvin Jackson Hartline was born April 27, 1867, in Cherokee County, Alabama, near Chesterfield,
the son of Henry Sims and Eliza Melvina Mobley Hartline.
He grew up on the farm, moving to Walker County, Georgia in the 1870's where he married on
May 19, 1809 to Sannie Tabitha Hays, born February 1, 1871. Melvin and Sannie had the following children:
Gussie Hartline, married Irvin Oliver.
William Thomas Hartline, married Blanche Campbell. D
Vester Nathaniel Hartline, married Clarkie Nave. D
Sidney James Hartline, married Nettie Massie. (2) D
Jewell Hartline, married Charles Long.
Melvin Jackson Hartline died December 14, 1945, and Sannie Tabitha Hays Hartline died October 29, 1956. Both are buried at Forest Hills Cemetery, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
1,2-Forest Hills Cemetery, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Martha Hartline Hansberger, March 30, 1970, 929 Conroy Rd., Birmingham, AL 35222.
(1867- )
Heber Hartlein was born about 1867, a son of Jared and Christina (Christiana) Wetzel Hartlein of Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. He Married November 20, 1895 in Chicago, to Annie Beard and they had three children:
Cecilia Hartlein, died in infancy.
Harry Hartlein, died in infancy.
Jennings Bryan Hartlein, born February 10, 1900, married Rosalie Terreli, born December 10, 1899 and they have one son:
Philip Warren Hartlein, born August 9, 1939.
We have no record of the date of death of Heber or his wife Annie
1-Jennings Bryan Hartlein, Albion, Michigan.
Silas Hartline was born March 16, 1867 in Buchanan township, Berrien County, Michigan, a son of Joshua (1834) and Cleopatra “Patra” Hartline. Silas married Martha “Mattie” Frew March 19, 1895. Mattie was born November 5, 1876. They lived at Buchanan township, Berrien County, Michigan.
Lulu Hartline, married Peter Blanta (Blenta), Sr. November 3, 1916.
Virginia Hartline, married Bort, of Buchanan.
Carrie Hartline, married Patton, of Galien.
Bessie Hartline, married Granke, of Sawyer.
Alvin Hartline, of Buchanan.
Silas Edward Hartline, Jr., born July 1, 1902, died August 14, 1964; of New Troy.
Charles Hartline, of New Troy
Clinton J. Hartline, born March 12, 1899, died March 22, 1964; of Galien
Silas Hartline was a farmer. He died August 14, 1938 and is buried at Riverside cemetery north of Three Oaks.
Martha (Frew) Hartline died August 6, 1953 and is buried at Riverside, Three Oaks.
1-Berrien County, MI records.
Milton Hartline was born about 1868, in Pennsylvania. Milton married Amelia Guilden daughter of John Guilden and his wife Amelia. Milton and Amelia had the following children:
Bessie Hartline, married Erb, buried at Bechtelsville.
Lawrence Hartline, born about 1899, died 1921, married to Emma O. Fronheiser, born 1891, died 1955. D
William Hartline died young.
George Hartline died young.
Milton is buried at Bechtelsville Cemetery, Bechtelsville, PA.
(We need additional information on Milton Hartline to update this entry.)
Joseph Alexander (Eck) Hartline was born September 17, 1868 in Cherokee County, Alabama, a son of John Pinkney and Celia Adaline Payne Oneal Hartline. Joseph grew up in Cherokee County, and married Millie Florence Cordell, born December 8, 1871. They were married on December 8, 1896. Eck and Millie had the following children:
Gertrude Virginia Hartline, born June 30, 1903, married Carl Burnell Smith, born October 21, 1900 and died February 23, 1962.
Harold Paul Hartline, born January 31, 1913, never married died December 9, 1987 buried Sulphur Springs.
Audra Hartline, born December 16, 1897, died July 20, 1973, married Phillips, buried at Sulphur Springs.
Gladys Hartline, born March 25, 1905, died March 1, 1942, married Hamilton, buried at Sulphur Springs.
Marie Hartline, married Skidmore, lives in Arab, Alabama.
John M. Hartline, born September 5, 1899, died March 5, 1962 buried at Sulphur Springs Cemetery.
Joseph Alexander (Eck) Hartline died July 17, 1942, and Millie Florence Cordell Hartline died March 1, 1942. Both are buried at the Sulphur Spring Hartline Cemetery Valley Head, Alabama.
1--0. J. Hartline, Gertrude Smith, Rt. 1, Valley Head, AL and J. J. Duckworth; cemetery records.
Robert Drumheller Hartline was born December 6, 1868 at Pleasantville, Oley, Berks, Pennsylvania. He married Alice Herbein Schollenberger born in 1874 at Oley, Berks County, Pennsylvania, a daughter of Solomon Peter Schollenberger & Deborah Herbein.
Arthur Otis Hartline, born September 28, 1895, married Elsie DeTurck
Earl Nevin Harltine, born in 1897, married Hazel May Fern, born 1898. Earl died in 1959 and Hazel in 1992. (children: Robert Eugene Hartline and my mother, Joan Ellen Hartline)
Warren Norman Hartline, born 1899, married Irene M.
Deborah O. Hartline, born 1902, married ? McCoy
Sadie Alberta Hartline born 1904, never married
All above children were born in Pleasantville, PA
Robert Drumheller Hartline died in 1948 at Reiffton, Exeter Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Source: Kristin Frederick.
Lillie Candis Hartline was born February 23, 1869, a daughter of David Levi and Mary Ann Mills Hartline of Iredell County, North Carolina. She married William R. Patching on November 8, 1899, and they had two daughters:
Bertha Isabel Hartline, born April 10, 1903, married R. Osborn.
Mary Edna Hartline, born April 25, 1906.
1-Eloise Walter.
Samuel Willets Hartline was born March 2, 1869, in Mahoning township, Montour County, Pennsylvania, a son of George and Harriet Heller Hartline. Samuel grew up in Mahoning township and married on October 29, 1896, to Louisa Strassner, born in 1872. They had one child:
Samuel George Hartline, born June 10, 1897 in Danville, Pennsylvania. D
Samuel W. was a blacksmith, and a member of the Odd Fellows. He died on August 19, 1898 at age 29, and was buried at the Odd Fellows Cemetery on Bloomsburg Road, Montour County, Pennsylvania. Louisa Strassner Hartline died in March of 1944.
2-Marriage Book 4, Montour Co., Pa., p 118, Samuel G. Hartline and his cousin Florence Buisch.
Walter Elmer Hartline was born June 26, 1869, near Rising Fawn, Georgia, a son of James Newton and Nancy Jane Driskill Hartline. He married the first time in Dekalb County, Alabama to Minnie Belle Ledford, born August 8, 1873 and they had the following children:
Altha Jocelyn (Jackie) Hartline, born April 18, 1896 at Mentone, Alabama. She married Tom Hope, and had a daughter Peggy who married Joseph Lockaby and lives in Greenwood, S. C. with three children. Tom Hope was buried at Greenwood, Cemetery, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Foyle Hartline, born March 26, 1898, died November 27, 1931, never married.
Connie Hartline, born March 1, 1900, died November 1, 1902. D
Dove June, born April 17, 1902, married Eugene Hope on June 12, 1920, at Rossville, Georgia. Eugene was born July 30, 1899 at Chickamauga, Georgia, son of David Hope. Eugene died December 23, 1927 at Chattanooga, Tennessee. D
Marvin Marlin Hartline, born August 1, 1904, married January 4, 1930, at Newport, Kentucky, to George Marie Ellis born April 12, 1913 in Amanda, Ohio, the daughter of William Franklin Ellis and Nellie Grace Turner Ellis. Marvin and Georgia had no children. D
Vernie Lucille (Vern) Hartline, born May 9, 1907, never married, died July 20, 1953 at Chattanooga, Tennessee. D
Bertha (Billie) Hartline, born September 5, 1909, married Joe Strong, divorced, married George Geppelt, divorced, no children. D
Hazel Jacqueline Hartline, born February 24, 1912, married on February 14, 1943, in San Francisco, California to Harry Parker Brown, born November 25, 1906 in Hillsboro, Ohio. D
Mildred Irene Hartline, born July 8, 1914, died January 25, 1918.
Majorie Marie Hartline, born October 24, 1916, died February 16, 1918.
All these children were born near Mentone, Alabama at the family home.
Minnie Belle Ledford Hartline died June 23, 1918, and was buried at Little River Baptist Church Cemetery.
On October 19, 1925, Walter Elmer (Walt) married Rosie Young, born November 20, 1902, and they had the following children:
Walter Elmer, Jr. Hartline, born September 9, 1926, married Nellie Fay Cunningham and had six children.
Luther Martin Hartline, born December 16, 1927, married Wanda Chapman October 22, 1952 and had four chlldren. Photo
Albert Hartline, born April 3, 1929, married Dartha Wooten, May 14, 1955 and had five children. Photo
Alma Joyce Hartline, born September 24, 1930, married Vernon Kirkpatrick, October 22, 1952 and had five children.
Wayne Hartline, born July 21, 1937, married Willene Davis and had three children, then married Norma Rector and had one child. Photo
Glenn Hartline, born February 16, 1938, married Yvonne (Wyvon) Slaye and had four children. (2)
Sanford Hartline, born February 26, 1942, married Mary Jerreries, and they have two children: Photo
Walter Elmer Hartline died in Dekalb County, Alabama on February 15, 1959, age 90. He was buried in the Little River Baptist Church Cemetery.
1,2-0. J. Hartline, J.J. Duckworth.
George Milton Hartline was born July 14, 1869, Connelsville, Pennsylvania, the son of John Henry and Matilda (Tillie) Fogle Hartline.
George married Rachel Catherine Garlitz, born March 9, 1865, and they had the following children:
Leonard Thomas Hyson, adopted, born September 5, 1886, died February 28, 1939.
Fred Earl Hartline, born December 25, 1891, died November 8, 1938. _
Dayton Richard Hartline, born April 23, 1894, died August 14, 1959.
Edward Hartline, born July 14, 1900, died December 8, 1948.
Harold Allen Hartline, born September 7, 1902, died December 18, 1969. D
Forest Paul Hartline, born September 11, 1904, died
Wilbur Sylvester Hartline, born April 28, 1906.
Chester V. Hartline, born April 13, 1908 . D
George Milton Hartline's wife Rachel, died November 8, l930, and George died October 18, 1949.
1-Forest P. Hartline, 444 Bruner St., Akron, OH 44306.
Alice Hartline was born about 1869 in Union County, Illinois, daughter of Elijah and Emeline Richards Hartline. She married November 4, l895, to Charles Bartsch, born in 1870, and they had the following Children:
Millie Bartsch. married Harry G. Cruse, child: Grace Allen Cruse.
Lee C. Bartsch
Anna Partsch, married Sauerbrun.
Elisabeth Bartsch
William Bartsch, married Lucile Parmley.
Beverly Bartsch.
1-LaWanda C. Wiley.
Walter Hartline was born about 1869 at Mt. Glenn, Union County, Illinois, a son of George and Elizabeth Lingle Hartline. He was married when he was twenty-two on June 4, 1891, to Kate Burke, Union County, born about 1864.
Ora Hartline. No further information.
Walter married a second time to Ruth Coleman on September 1, 1892. She was a daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Coleman and was born about 1874. Their Children were:
Edna Hartline, born about 898, near Cobden.
Blanche Hartline, born January 26, 1898, near Cobden.
Leo Hartline, born about 1900, married at the age of 23, April 9, 1921 to 19 year old Clara Grain. She is a daughter of Charley Crain and Ducia Dixon, born in 1902.
Clyde Hartline, born 1905 (female) married a Mills.
Jessie Agnes Hartline, born about 1901, married Van H. V. Ferrill of Cobden, April 4, 1922. He is a son of Hershel Ferrill. Jessie Agnes, daughter of Walter and Elizabeth, died October 17, 1976, at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Mt. Vernon, IL. She had married a second time to Francis M. Kikta in l946, in Chicago. She was a member of the Community Church at Mt. Vernon, a member of the Royal Neighbors and founder of the "Kitchen Cuties Band" at Mt. Vernon. She was buried at the Anna Cemetery.
Alma Hartline , born about 1908.
Francis Hartline, born about 1904.
Sidney Hartline, born about 1913.
1-LaWanda C. Wiley, from marriage records, Jonesboro Court House, Sidney Hartline, Mt. Glenn, Gazette-Democrat, Union County.
Anderson Stafford (2) Hartline was born February 4, 1870 in Dade County, Georgia, a son of William Thomas Hartline (1848-1902) and Mary Martha Elizabeth (Murray) Hartline of Rising Fawn, Georgia. Anderson married on November 20, 1893 to Lucy Louise Lewis and they had one child:
Bessie Cleo Hartline, born August, 1894, married Sam Minor and had fourteen children.
Lucy (Lewis) Hartline died when Bessie was born. Anderson was a farmer, and did a lot of carving with a pocket knife. He loved to sing and play a jews harp. He lived at Noble, Oklahoma, and later at Moore, Oklahoma. Anderson died at the age of 85, November 22, 1955. Bessie Cleo (Hartline) Minor died in 1985.
l-Onio Smith (Mrs. W. L.) 2922 Lolita Drive, Dallas, Texas 75227 and a letter from Bessie Minor to Maggie Shatley, February 25, 1964. 2-Sue Duncan.
William Henry Hartline was born February 26, 1870, in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, a son of Charles H. and Susan S. Lessig Hartline. He married Ella Jane Boone, born October 16, 1873, and they had the following children:
Daniel Boone Hartline, born July 2, 1894, who married Esther Viola Hendricks. He died March 10, 1963. D
William Henry Hartline died on October 13, 1902, and his wife Ella Jane died February 27, 1942.
1-Edward E. Hartline, Pottstown, PA.
(1870- )
Charles Warren Hartline was born March 14, 1870, in Union County, Illinois, son of Benjamin Franklin and Mary Lingle Hartline. Charles W. married on May 15, 1893, to Minnie Hartman, born 1875. They were married by Rev. Earnhart, Lutheran ministers. Minnie and Charles had the following children:
Agnes Hartline, born August 27, 1895, married Roy E. Burton in 1917.
Opal Hartline, born July 3, 1896, married Richard C. Storm in 1916.
Elsie Hartline, born May 16, 1905, married Dr. O. E. Johnson in 1926.
Minnie died at fifty-one, March 3, 1926, and Charles married December 31, 1930 to Blanche Miller. No children were born of this marriage.
1-Homer C. and Xena Hartline from family records.
(1870?- )
George Hartline was born about 1865-70, a son of Andrew and Mary Ann Hartline who came from North Carolina and Lived in Hillsboro, Illinois where George and his father operated a shoe store. His wife’s name is unknown to us at present. We do not know how many children they had, but we know they had a son:
Paul Hartline, born about 1900. D
1-J.J. Duckworth.
We need more information on this family.
Moses Newton Hartline (1) A
Moses (Mose) Newton Hartline, born October 21, 1870, a son of Robert Hilmon Hartline. He married Betty Perteet, daughter of John Jesse and Martha H. (Newman) Perteet. She was born 1881 and died 1969.
Emma Hartline, married a Kyle.
Hattie Hartline, married a Stewart.
Minnie Hartline, married a Hooper.
Mozelle Hartline, married a Taylor.
Jessie Hilmon Hartline, born June 24, 1903, married Sarah Elizabeth Orles, born 1909, died 1986. D
William Dewey Hartline, born December 31, 1905, died October 11, 1991, married G. Estelle born March 18, 1905, died February 25, 2001, married October 21, 1923. D
Horris H. Hartline, born 1909, married 1928 to Cora Lou Strickland. D
Floyd (Pete) Hartline, born 1914, died 1968, buried Ridgeview Memoral Park, Allen, Collin County, Texas.
Oscar P. Hartline born June 8, 1916, married Mary Lucille “Ivy” Pruett. D
Aubrey Hartline, born June 15, 1919, died February 19, 2003.
Moses Newton and Betty Hartline are buried in Fitzhugh Cemetery, Forest Grove, Collin County, Texas.
Moses and Betty Hartline are pictured in photograph holding Horace at:
1-Obituaries and other research.
(1871- )
Rolla Hartline was born about 1871, a son of Elijah and Emeline Richards Hartline, near Cobden Union County, Illinois. He married February 18, 1902, to Ida Johnson, born about 1878. Rolla and Ida had the following Children:
Leon “Sleepy” Hartline, born April 25, 1903, married Esta Ruth Nimmo in Anna, Illinois. (2) D
Albert William Hartline, born April 5, 1905, died February 7, 1970, military service: Co. H, 55th Armd. Inf. WW II, buried Casper Church Cemetery, Union County, Illinois.
Claude “Frog” Hartline, born 1908, married July 10, 1933 to Mary Proctor.
Floyd Hartline, born 1914, married April 11, 1944 to Mildred Hubbs. D
Lloyd Hartline, born 1914, twin to Floyd, died at birth.
Juanita Faye Hartline, born in Mountain Glenn, Illinois, married Daniel Boone Thomas.
1-LaWanda C. Wiley. 2-Michael (Mike) Lott, supplied extra details.
Robert Luther Hartline was born February 11, 1871, in Iredell County, North Carolina, near Troutman, a son of David Levi and Mary Ann Mills Hartline. On December 24, 1895, Robert L. married to Ada Culberson and they had the following children:
Levanna Isabelle Hartline, born about 1896.
Anise Ruth Hartline, married Rans Purkey. Ruth, born about 1898.
Robert Hartline, born about 1899.
Harry L. Hartline, born about 1900.
Robert Luther Hartline died November 16, 1901.
1-Eloise Walter.
(1871- )
Harry E. Hartline was born May 3, 1871, in Connellsville, Pennsylvania, son of John Henry and Matilda Fogle Hartline. Harry married on December 27, 1893, in Salisbury, Pennsylvania to Lydia E. Glotfelty, born May 6, 1865 of Elk Lick. Harry and Lydia had the following children:
Clyde A. E. Hartline, born September 17, 1896 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. D
Hazel Gertrude Hartline, born September 27, 1900, married Rowland Fisher Smith on December 21, 1922. They had no children.
Harry E. moved to Akron, Ohio about 1900 and to Bloomington, IN about 1905. He deserted Lydia and his children in 1907 and went west, settling in near Los Angeles or Fort Bragg, CA. Lydia had him declared dead in 1921, sold the house in Bloomington and moved to Akron to be with Hazel, where Lydia died about 1933. Harry tried to start writing his kids in 1925. Clyde answered a few, but Hazel would not. At his death in 1953, the Red Cross contacted Clyde about the burial and personal effects. Clyde told them to throw the personal things in the garbage and let him rot in the gutter.
1-Hazel Gertrude Smith, Robert L. Hartline, Louisville, KY.
William Morrison Hartline, born March 21, 1871, in Statesville, NC, son of Adam and Ann Arthurs Hartline. He married Nellie Culberson.
William died in 1959 and is buried in Witt Cemetery, Witt, Illinois. According to the records of 1905, he was a coal miner.
1-Georgia Bertetto.
Sarah Jane Hartline, daughter of Robert Miller Hartline and first wife, Jane, born in 1871, married Rev. David Albert Pledger, a widower, October 13, 1895 in Cherokee County, Alabama. Rev. Pledger was a Baptist minister.
Minnie Pledger, born 1896
Ethel Pledger, born 1898
Mamie Pledger, born 1899
Paul D. Pledger, born August 28, 1901, married Sarah Ella Pack, born May 6, 1900, Albertville, Alabama. Paul died March 7, 1988. Sarah died 1982, Albertville.
Robert Pledger, born 1902.
Allie Octavia Pledger, born 1904.
Roy Allen Pledger, born 1906.
Jessie Lee Pledger, born 1907.
Source: JJ Duckworth
Other sources: David Albert Pledger's father was Gains Pledger who was the son of Thomas Henry Pledger who was the son of Thomas Pledger, etc.
SARAH ELLA PACK150, b. May 06, 1900, Albertville, AL150; d. 1982, Albertville, AL150; m. PAUL PLEDGER150; b. August 28, 1901150; d. March 07, 1988, Albertville, AL150.
Ida Belle Hartline was born June 19, 1872, in Union County, Illinois, a daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Mary Lingle Hartline. She is pictured in a group photo on the Page following page 83 of this book. Ida married Oscar Casper, son of S. D. Caspar, and they had the following children:
Cecile Casper, born about 1894, married Floyd Davis.
Conrad Casper, born November 4, 1895
Glendon Delmas Casper, born February 1897
1-LaWanda C. Wiley.
(1872- )
Edgar Hartline was born March 20, 1872, a son of John and Nancy Cathleen Wilson Hartline, near Cobden, Illinois. Edgar married on December 28, to Kate Hall. He moved into the first house his father built, and later moved to Anna, Illinois. He was a farmer and Police Magistrate of the City of Anna, a Justice of the Peace and member of Masonic Lodge 520. Kate was a schoolteacher, teaching many years in the public schools of Anna Precinct. They had no children.
1-LaWanda C. Wiley.
Hugh Alford Hartline was born January 19, 1872 on Shin Bone Ridge, Chesterfield, Alabama, the son of Robert Miller and Octavia Alafare McKeg Hartline. Hugh Alford married on April 10, 1898 in Chattooga County, Georgia, to Della Gardner, born November 12, 1874, and they had the following children:
Myrtle O. Hartline, born 1999, Alabama.
Ossmer Hartline, daughter, born 1901, Alabama.
Robert Hartline, born 1903, Alabama.
Gracie Hartline, born 1905, Alabama.
Ida Hartline, born 1907, Alabama.
Sam Hartline, born 1909, Alabama.
Della died March 24, 1920, buried at Bethel Cemetery.
Hugh Alford Hartline died January 14, 1922.
1- J. J. Duckworth, 2-1910 U.S. Census (list of children and their ages when the Census was taken.).
Warren Drumheller Hartline was born January 24, 1872, in Woodchoppertown, in the Oley Mountains, Earl township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, the son of George A. and Deborah Drumheller Hartline. Warren D. married just prior to 1900 to Cora Hawman, born April 18, 1878, and they had the following children:
Elsie S. Hartline, born March 27, 1905.
Mary Ethel Hartline, born January 24, 1903. D
Paul Daniel Hartline, born March 30, 1911.
Sarah Catherine Hartline, born February 19, 1907.
Herbert Warren Hartline, born March 30, 1911.
Mildred Violet Hartline, born November 13, 1916.
Warren D. Hartline died December 30, 1955, and Cora Hawman Hartline died August 27, 1962.
1-Mary D. and Oscar D. Hartline (personal interview with Oscar, 1971).
Eugene Clinton “Gene” Hartline was born February in 1888, in Ohio, and married Pearl Shahan. It is said that Genes mother was an American Indian (name not known), and that she died when Gene was a baby.(2)
Imogene Hartline, born July 23, 1914, TN. D
Harry Glen Hartline, born May 24, 1917 in Ohio, died 1962. D
Gene was a “pony express” rider.
Eugene Clinton Hartline died March 11, 1972 in Dayton (Montgomery County), Ohio.
1-Harry Glen Hartline. 2-It is believed that she is buried at the foot of Lookout Mountain TN.
(More information is needed on this entry.)
Charles A. Hartline was born March 10, 1872, in Madison township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, a son of Augustus and Lovina Boyer Hartline. Charles A. married Maude L. and they had the following children:
Frank Warren Hartline, born July 31, 1896.
Lee Hartline
Charles A. Hartline died October 30, 1956. Records indicate he was still in Columbia County in 1897, little is known about his later years.
1-Florence Hartline Kindt, Danville, PA.
Louis Alexander Hartline was born September 14, 1872, near Sulphur Springs on the Alabama/Georgia line, the third son of James Newton and Nancy Jane Driskill Hartline. Louis (Luke) married on May 29, 1892, to Docia Anola Wade, born January 31, 1877, and they made their home at Sulphur Springs, later moving to Ider, Alabama. Louis (Luke) and Docia had the following children:
James Robert Hartline, born April 15, 1893. D
Minnie Lee Hartline, born 1895, died 1895.
Walter Edward Hartline, born March 16, 1898. D
Jessie Adell Hartline, born September 27, 1900, married George L. Harrison.
Bessie Myrtle Hartline, born April 24, 1903, married Chester E. Beaty.
Ethel Hartline, born January 21, 1906, married Rosco Bryant.
Syble Mae Hartline, born July 8, 1908, married Doile D. Phillips.
Louis Alexander Hartline, Jr., born December 31, 1910. D
Lucy Bell Hartline, born March 19, 1913, died 1916.
Inus Loretta Hartline, born October 11, 1915, married C. D. Dalton.
Jasper Waynon Hartline, born July 9, 1918. D
Louis Alexander Hartline, died May 23, 1940, and Docia Anola Wade Hartline died June 1954.
1-O.J. Hartline and J. J. Duckworth.
Minnie Roberta Hartline was born June 29, 1873, a daughter of David Levi and Mary Ann Mills Hartline of Iredell County, North Carolina. She married on December 14, 1898, to Charles Troutman, Jr., in Iredell County. [Charles' father had served in the Civil War, Co. C. 43th Reg., North Carolina, joining August 1, 1862, and was wounded in battle.] Minnie died February 17, 1950. They had the following children:
William Pressley Troutman, born September 21, 1900, married Sally Powell. William Pressley Troutman died in 1970.
Worth A. Troutman deceased.
Dewey Dare Troutman deceased.
Cleo Eloise Troutman married William Hugh Curry.
1-Eloise Walter, James M. Hartline, Roster of NC. Troops, Vol 3, 1882, by John W. Moore.
Oliver Franklin was born on May 5, 1874, in Union County, Illinois, a son of Benjamin Franklin and Mary Lingle Hartline, he married on December 24, 1907 to Anna Eliza Rice, and they had the following children:
John Rice Hartline, born September 6, 1908, married Roma Heeger in 1933. He died in 1958.
Oliver Wayne Hartline, born March 6, 1910, married Florence Connelly in 1937. D
Mary Margaret Hartline, born September 18, 1913.
William A. Hartline, born September 17, 1917.
Marion Hartline, born November 3, 1922.
1-LaWanda C. Wiley, Homer C. and Xena Hartline.