John Hartline was born April 4, 1794 (2) in Rowan County, North Carolina, the son of Peter Hartlein. He grew-up in Rowan County and married Betsey Cauble on November 3, 1817. (3)
Children: (4)
Anna Ma (Mae) Hartline, born September 23, 1818.
Peter Hartline, born June 13, 1824. D
Moses Hartline, born October 13, 1822, Iredell County, NC, married Mary Tyson. D
Paul (Powell) Hartline, born August 13, 1824. D
Jesse Hartline, born April 20, 1827.
Betsy died between 1827 and 1830, and John eventually remarried, to Catherine. It is believed that he moved to Iredell County, North Carolina after the death of Betsey. There are no available records for many years and the exact date of his move is not known. John and Catherine had the following children: (5)
George H. Hartline, born about 1832, died before 1861.
David Levi Hartline, born June 12, 1836, died October 23, 1906. D
John L. Hartline, born about 1839.
Solomon A. Hartline, born about 1840, died October 15, 1862. D
William L. D. Hartline, born about 1842, joined the North Carolina Regiment August 1, 1862, Co. C. 48th regiment. He was killed in Sharpsburg, Virginia. (6)
Andrew Anderson Hartline, born about 1843, also known as Andrew, enlisted in Co. E, 11th regiment October 27, 1864. He was still living in 1907 married to Mary Ann Sharp. (7) D
Adam Lester Hartline, born about 1847. D
The records of St. Martin' s Lutheran Church near Troutman, North Carolina lists in its roll and Communion records, various entries of both John and several of his children and in-laws. Declarations of support for the pastor: (these were lists upon which each member indicated how much he would give in cash or kind for support of the minister for the year.)
1860: Solomon H. Hartline pledged $1.50. John's pledged $2.00 and George H. Hartline pledged $1.00, John Hartline pledge was one of the highest gifts listed.
The records after 1860 do not indicate the presence of John's second wife Catherine, but do list John, George, Amanda, wife of Solomon, Solomon and Paul's wife Nancy. After the death of George, Solomon, and John, Nancy continued to attend St. Martin's until her death in 1897.
Although there is no record at either St. Martin's or St. Michael's of David Levi, he was residing in the area of Troutman, North Carolina, and several of his children were confirmed in 1882, 1878, and 1861 at St. Michael's.
I can do all things through Christ, who strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4 :13)
1-5-J. J. Duckworth. 2-4-Organ Church records. 3-Rowan County Marriage records. 6-John W. Moore, Roster of North Carolina Troops, vol. 3, 1882. 7-Iredell County Deed book D35 p 304.
Jacob Hartline was born February 20, 1796, in Rowan County, North Carolina, the son of Peter Hartlein. (1) Jacob's parents died when he was very young, (2) and some of his brothers and sisters were bound over to relatives, but this apparently was not the case with Jacob or his brother John, as there in no legal transaction to be found. It is not known with whom they spent their years prior to maturity, however on August 5, 1823, Jacob married Sarah Sally Poole in Rowan County. (3) Sally was born April 13, 1805, and died after having two children in Rowan 1840. (4) Their children were: (5)
Miles Hartline, born November 8, 1823. D
Milly Hartline, born October 10, 1825. D
Following the death of Sally, Jacob and his two children moved to Union County, Illinois and he again married on February 26, 1843 to Mrs. Sally (Sarah) Barnhart Crite (Krite), widow of Joseph Crite, whom she had married May 22, 1836 in Union County. Sarah was born May 16, 1817. She had three children by her first husband: (6)
George Valentine Crite, born June 1, 1837 married Sophia, daughter of Moses and Anna Beaver, February 27, 1862 in Alexander Co., IL.
Jesse Monroe Crite, born about 1839. Joseph A. Crite, born about 1841.
Jacob and Sarah lived near Elco, Illinois. Jacob died August 5, 1871 and is buried in Casper Cemetery in Union County.
1-Organ Church records. 2-McCubbins Collection Genealogical and Historical Papers, Microfilm J. R. 3942-3943, Archives, Raleigh, N.C. 3-Rowan Co. Marriage Records (Church and Family records give marriage date 8/16/22). 4-5-Earl Hartline, 1510 Bessie St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. 63701. 6-Lawanda Carter Wiley.
Mary Hartline was born March 8, 1798, (1) in Rowan County, North Carolina, daughter of George and Maria Earnhardt Hartline. She married in Union County, Illinois on April 18, 1821 to Joseph Hess, son of John Hess, born in North Carolina November 4, 1798. Joseph was a farmer, and they had the following Children:
John Hess, born November 21, 1821.
Elizabeth Hess, married a Rendleman.
Silas Hess, born 1826. (2)
Elijah Hess, married Florida Stirewalt in Union County July 27, 1851, by P. H. Kroh, pastor of the Jonesboro German Reform Church.
Isaac Jefferson Hess
Nancy Hess, born 1834 (3) married John Kimmel, son of George and Elizabeth Christian Kimmel, in Union County, March 29, 1860. John was born September 6, 1834 and died in 1910.
Jane Hess.
Mary Hartline Hess died April 11, 1884, and her husband, Joseph, died October 15, 1885. both are buried in the Anna, Illinois Cemetery.
1-Ibid, including information from Headstones and Union Co. marriage records. 2-Perrin, History of Alexander, Union and Pulaski Counties, Illinois, 1883. 3-Mrs. Dewey Wilson, Wolf Lake, Illinois.
John Hartline was born March 14, 1798, in Rowan County, North Carolina, the son of George and Maria Earnhardt Hartline, and was baptized December 24, 1798 at Organ Lutheran Church, with his uncle Peter Hartline as sponsor. He spent his early life at home assisting in the tilling of the soil on his father's farm. He was the first of his family to come to Illinois and was followed by his parents who settled on a farm in Union County, three and one-half miles northwest of what is now Anna, IL.. On April 15, 1819, John bought 160 acres of land adjoining the southern corporation line of what is now Anna, from John Thornton for a hundred and twenty- five dollars. He sold this land to John Cauble and in 1828, he bought 211 acres about three and one-half miles northwest of Anna.
On June 19, 1831, John was married, in Union County, to Margaret Rendleman, daughter of Jacob, Sr. and Elizabeth Fullenwider Rendleman. Elizabeth was born March 13, 1814, in Rowan County, North Carolina. They had the following Children:
Elizabeth Hartline, born about 1833. D
Mary Jane Hartline, born about 1834, married William Martin June 10, 1856. She died in 1881 in Arkansas. In the 1860 Census, this couple had two children, a two year old, and a one year old named Joseph.
Benjamin Franklin Hartline, born December 6, 1835. D
Melvina Hartline, born October 28, 1837, married Joseph Martin, (brother to William Martin, above,) July 15, 1859, and lived in Arkansas.
Serena Hartline, born January 12, 1840. D
Emily (Emma) Hartline, born January 4, 1841, Married Robert Donovan, April 25, 1860 and lived in Carbondale, Illinois.
Eliza Hartline, born December 11, 1842. D
Isaac Hartline, born March 21, 1846. D
John Hartline, born December 31, 1847. D
In 1832, John Hartline sold his land northwest of Anna, and acquired 160 acres of the southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 12, South, Range 2 West 9 at the partition sale of the estate of his father-in-law, Jacob Rendleman, Sr. This land was originally obtained by Jacob in 1819. John owned other land too and at the time of his death on November 26, 1847, he was paying taxes on 550 acres.
The children of John and Margaret were born in Jonesboro Precinct, Union County. They attended Casper Lutheran Church, originally known as Union Church, one and a half miles north of Anna. The first building was a log structure built in 1847. John contributed ten dollars toward the cost of the new building. He died without making a will and the administration of his estate was granted to his brother-in-law, Jacob Rendleman, Jr. It is interesting that Samuel Rendleman, another of Margaret's brothers, who was appointed guardian of some of John's minor children had himself, some seventeen years earlier, been placed under the guardianship of John.
In the settlement of John's estate, Margaret received $231.83 and 170 acres as her dowery. At the partition sale held July 4, 1855, she purchased an additional 60 adjoining acres.
Avis Hartline Burkhaulter, 125 Claremont Blvd., San Francisco, California has the original of an order from Margaret dated January 11, 1856 to J. W. McClure for one set of marble gravestones, the headstone to be about four feet tall and inscribed: "John Hartline died November 26, 1847, aged 48 years 9 months 15 days" for which she agreed to pay $21.00 upon delivery.
After the death of her husband, Margaret continued to farm with her children. She later lived with her son John and her son Benjamin Franklin. She died May 12, 1891 age 77. She is buried beside John at Casper Cemetery.
1-All data on this page furnished by Lawanda Carter Wiley from the following sources: Casper cemetery stones, Union County marriage records, 1850 census, Union County, headstones, Alto Pass and Cobden, IL, 1880 Census, and Billee Snead Webb, Martin Christopher Randleman, His Kin and Heirs, 1754-1964.
Isaac Hartline was baptized November 9, 1800, (1) the son of George and Maria Ann Earnhardt Hartline, with Peter Lenz as sponsor. When he was eighteen, he came with his parents to Union County, Illinois in 1818. He was a very successful farmer, and when his father died in 1823, Isaac received half of the "plantation" north of Anna, Illinois. George left the other half to his wife Maria with a stipulation that should she remarry, her half would also go to Isaac.
The will further provided maintenance of Isaac 's sister, 27 year old Elizabeth still unmarried, during her life. Isaac never married, and was in effect a father to his younger brothers and sister Elizabeth, 55, his nephew Elijah, 21,
In the 1850 census of Union County, the following persons were living with Isaac: His sister Elizabeth, 55, Joseph Kisler, 61, William and Mahalia Popin, 23 and 18 respectively, Mary Parish, 41, and Richard Parish 21. In the 1860 Census, the following resided with him: his sister-in-law, Elizabeth Holshouser Hartline, 63, his nephew Elijah Hartline, 31, his brother-in-law Caleb Rendleman, 51 and Caleb's son Dock (Caleb), age 16, and Philip Lee, age 40. Isaac bought and sold land in various parts of the county and left an estate of over $35,000. He died at home, November 29, 1867, age 67. William Rich was named administrator of his estate, which was divided, among his two surviving brothers, Caleb and Charles, his sister, Mary (Polly) Hess, and the forty-nine children and grandchildren of his deceased brothers and sisters. Isaac is buried at Casper cemetery on the lot with his father and mother and sister Elizabeth, with the inscription: "In memory of Isaac, gone but not forgotten."
All information contained on this page furnished by Lawanda Carter Wiley.
Casting all your cares upon him; for he careth for you. (l Peter 5:7)
(1800-18 )
Matthew Hartlein was born about 1800 in Bavaria. He came to America before 1836, and married Mary Rothmeyer, also German. Matthew and Mary had six Children: (1)
Nicholas Hartlein, born July 29, 1842, died March 21, 1906.
George Adam Hartlein, born March 4, 1848, died February 19, 1928. D
Joseph Hartlein.
Matthew Hartlein, Jr.
Mary Hartlein.
Matthew and his brother Stephen Hartlein came to America together. Matthew's sons Joseph and Matthew, Jr. were born in Ohio or Indiana. They were German Catholics, living in Toledo, then later, by 1841, in Evansville, Indiana. Nicholas and George settled in Johnson County, Arkansas, in the Harmony Community, 10-12 miles north of Clarksville where they both farmed. Both are buried in Harmony Cemetery.
l-All data from Donna Kay Hartlein, 2220 S. Pine, Little Rock, AR 72204, with verification of some data by David Charles Becker, Box 6045, Evansville, IN
Henry Hartline was born January 30, 1801, in Rowan County, North Carolina, son of Peter Hartlein, and was baptized July 19, 1801 with his uncle George Hartline as sponsor. (2) He married in 1825 to Sophia Kessler, born in 1808 in Rowan County, and in about 1838, Henry and Sophia moved to Pulaski County, Illinois where he was a blacksmith and farmer. They had the following children:(3)
Adam Alexander Hartline, born about 1828. D
Elizabeth Catherine Hartline, born about 1831. D
Charles W. Hartline, born August 27 1833. D
Julian Hartline, born about 1836, no further record).
John Henry Hartline, born about 1839 in Pulaski County, Illinois. D
Mary S. Hartline, born about 1842 in Pulaski County.
Martha Rose Hartline, born about 1844 in Pulaski County.
Henry Hartline died before 1850 census, and his place of burial is unknown to us. His wife Sophia died in 1881 at age seventy-three. She had lived with her son Charles since the death of Henry.
1-Organ Luth. Church Records. 2-Birth dates from 1850 U.S. Census. All submitted by Lawanda Carter Wiley.
David Hartlein was born February 2, 1801 in Earl Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, baptized April 5, 1801 at St. Joseph’s Hill Church, Pike Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. (2) David was a son of Conrad and Elizabeth Moser Hartlein. (3)
David married Lydia, between 1819-1820 in Upper Mahantongo Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
Children of David and Lydia: (note)
Rachel Hartline, born October 14, 1820, baptized October 26 1820. (4)
Elias “Eli” Hartline, born 1827, Pennsylvania, married Elizabeth Kritzer (Kreutzer), March 3, 1853. D
Joel Hartline, born October 7, 1829, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, died October 29, 1908. D
David’s first wife, Lydia, died in the early 1830s.
David married Magdalena “Molly” Smith, daughter of Michael and Magdalene (Heninger) Smith; married between 1830-31. (1) Molly was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, March 4, 1803. Records indicate David and Molly arrived in Franklin Township, Stark County, Ohio in 1835. In 1836, they were still residing there.
Children of David and Molly Smith Hartline:
Mary Hartline, born 1831 in Pennsylvania, married Jasper Millington December 14, 1847 in Berrien County, Michigan.
Elizabeth “Betsey” Hartline, born 1833 in Pennsylvania, married James Fullon May 1, 1851.
Joshua Hartline, born 1834 in Pennsylvania, married Patra Mitchell December 11, 1862. D
Abagail “Abbie” Hartline, born 1835 married VanBuren Clendenen.
Catherine Hartline was born 1838 in Stark County, Ohio married Joseph Willard, August 27, 1857.
Malena (Laney) (Lena) (Luana) Hartline, born 1840 in Stark County, Ohio, married Theodore F. Root July 22, 1866 in Berrien County, Michigan.
Melissa Hartline, born 1840 in Stark County, Ohio, married John Cuthbert January 23, 1878 in Berrien County, Michigan.
David Hartline, who worked as a blacksmith, died in 1841 in Stark County, Ohio and Molly took her children and moved to Berrien County, Michigan near where some of her siblings and her parents had moved. (5)
Molly (Smith) Hartline died May 3, 1865 in Berrien County, Michigan and is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. (6)
1-C. Ed Mosheim. 2-Sponsors were Hannes Weiss and Catherina Moser. 3- David was confirmed on May 3, 1823, at Howeter Lutheran Church, Upper Mahonoy Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
5-The obituary of Molly Smith who was married to David Hartline shows Molly’s birth date as March 4, 1803. It also states that David died in Ohio in 1841. After his death, Molly moved her family to Berrien County, MI, in 1841 when her eldest child, Eli, was age 14. 5- Mary Ann Smith, born September 17, 1805 in Berks County, PA and died December 29, 1886 in Berrien County, MI married to Joshua (Fetter) Feather, Sr. was a sister of Molly Smith. 6-Confirmation and some additional information by David Calvin Hartline. Note: Until we can find a marriage date for David and Molly, or the death date for Lydia, this is the division of the family as it now appears.
Johann Jurg (George) Hartlein was born May 8, 1802 in Earl township, Berks county, Pennsylvania, the son of Joseph (Jost) and Sarah Mutter Hartlein. (1) He remained in Earl township and learned the weaver's trade. (2) He married about 1829 to Catherine (Kate) Ganzer, (3) born in 1805, (4) and they had the following children: (5)
Benjamin G. Hartlein, born November 23, 1830, baptized April 4, 1831. D
Joseph Hartlein, born September 22, 1834, baptized January, 1835.
Caroline Hartlein, born February 26, 1837, baptized April 31, 1837.
William Hartlein, born August 9, 1838, baptized February 10, 1839.
Daniel Hartlein, born November 19, 1840, baptized November 30, 1841.
Benneville Hartlein, born February 23, 1843, baptized September 10,
George Hartlein, born January 2, 1846, baptized October 4, 1846.
Sarah Hartlein, born 1848, married Hiram Teather. Elam, born July 7, 1851, baptized October 26, 1851.
Johann George died May 23, 1872, and is buried at the Oley Lutheran Church cemetery in Berks County. His estate was settled on April 10, 1874, with Lydia Hartline as administrator, (6) and seven of his nine children are mentioned including Samuel which is possibly a second name for Joseph or William. Catherine died June, 1886, and is buried beside Johann.
1,5-Hill Church records. 2,4-U. S. Census, Berks County, 1850 and 1870. 3-Headstone, Oley Church Cemetery, Berks County. 6-Ibid. 47712. 2-Organ Lutheran Church records.
Samuel Hartline was born about 1802 in Rowan County, North Carolina, the son of George and Maria Ann Earnhardt Hartline. He moved with his father and family to Union County, Illinois while a teenager, and married Elizabeth Holshouser on July 23, 1820 in Union County. Samuel and Elizabeth had four children: (1)
Charles Washington Hartline, born about 1821. D
George Hartline, born about 1825. D
Rachel Hartline, born July 30, 1827. D
Elijah Hartline, born March 15, 1829. D
Elizabeth Holshouser was born about 1798, the daughter of Michael Holshouser, an early settler in Union County. On October 16, 1826, Samuel bought ninety-three acres of land from Johnson Summers for three hundred seventy-five dollars, and later acquired seventy-three acres for a total of one hundred sixty-six. He died January 12, 1830 without making a will. Administration of the estate was granted jointly to his wife Elizabeth and Daniel Barringer who posted a $2,000 bond. James Reed was appointed guardian of Samuel's children: Charles 9, George 5, Rachel 3, and Elijah 10 months. Benedict Mull and Peter Lingle, neighbors of Samuel, were appointed to appraise the estate. Listed among the payments made were:
Funeral sermon: $1.00
Crier of sale: .50
Mull and Lingle: $1.50
Whiskey for Mull provided by Mrs. Hartline: .25
After Samuel's death, Elizabeth farmed the land left to her. Probably much help was given her by John and Isaac, her husband's brothers. She appears as head of household in the 1830 and 1840 censuses. Evangeline Hartline, 17 was living with her in 1850. Elizabeth was living with Isaac Hartline in 1860 and with her son Charles in 1870. She and her husband are believed to be buried at the Casper Church Cemetery.
1-Birthdates from census records and headstones. All information on this Page from Lawanda Carter Wiley.
John Hartlein was born about 1803 in Earl Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, confirmed on May 3, 1823, Howeter Lutheran Church, Upper Mahanoy Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, a son of Conrad and Elizabeth Moser Hartlein. He married to Maria Catherina Yoder, born about 1818, probably in Berks County, Pennsylvania. They married before 1838 in Upper Mahantongo Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
The 1850 census contains the following listing for this family in Norwegian Township, Schuylkill Co., Pa.
John Hartlein, age 47, laborer
Catharine Hartlein, age 32
John, Hartlein born 1838.
Daniel, Hartlein, born 1844, married Catherine Owen. D
Mary E., Hartlein, born 1849.
Samuel Ketner, Engineer (a boarder possibly)
John Hartlein was listed in the 1850 Census as a Laborer. Between 1810-20, he moved with his parents to Upper Mahantango Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
In 1837, John was granted his father's estate, after paying his step-mother $50 and his brothers, George and David, each $27.88 and 1/2 cent. Peggy (probably his niece), and his sisters, Elizabeth and Rebecca, released their share of the estate to John. Maria Catherina Yoder’s family name is sometimes listed as “Mowry.”
Maria died after 1850 at Norwegian Township, Schuylkill County. John Hartlein died sometime after 1850, Center Township, Snyder County, Pennsylvania.
1-C. Ed Mosheim.
Christian Hartline was born about 1803, in Adams township, Monroe County, Ohio, a son of Michael (1742) and Mary Hartline. Christian married Mary Ann Duvall Lippincott (widow of Elisha Lippincott), born January 16, 1792 and they had the following children: (all born in Ohio) (2)
Mary A. Hartline, born 1826.
John C. Hartline, 1827.* D
Conrad Hartline, born 1828. D
Samuel Hartline, born August 11, 1831, married Elizabeth Erlewine. D
Joseph Hartline, born 1833. D
Emma Delia Hartline, born January 15, 1836, Married Atkinson.
Christian later married a second time to Adaline Anderson (3) born 1838, and they had the following children: (born in Ohio)
Franklin Hartline, born about 1863.
Olifant Hartline, born 1865, married Fannie F. Decker, born 1879, on February 11, 1899. (4)
Hanna J. Hartline, born 1869, married William T. Hunnell, August 22, 1890.
William B. Hartline, born August 9, 1872.
Mary (or Marcy) Hartline, born in 1878, Married John J. Ady, January 28, l893.
Mazy Hartline.
Christian Hartline died August 11, 1880.
1-Monroe County, Adams township, OH, records. 2-Brian Hartline 3-Marriage book 1-6, Monroe County, OH. 4. Ibid. 5-1880 Census, Adams township, Monroe County, OH
(1805-18 )
Catherine Hartline was born January 2, 1805 (1) in Rowan County, North Carolina, daughter of George and Maria Ann Earnhardt Hartline.
She moved with her family to Union County, Illinois and married on September 18, 1825 to farmer Alexander Treece, born about 1801 in North Carolina, son of John Trees, an early settler to Union County from North Carolina (2) Their nine children were born near Anna, Illinois:
Mahulda Treece, born about i826, married Peter Dillow. James Treece, born about 1827, married Christiana Lence, August 5, 1847. (3)
Joseph Treece, born about 1834, married Peggy A. Lingle, daughter of A Wilson and Leah Lingle, formerly of Rowan County, North Carolina. Joseph built and operated a flour mill after 1867 on the west side of the Illinois Central Railroad in Anna. (4)
Henry Treece, born about 1834, married Lucinda (Cinda) Sifford, second wife: Mrs. Christiana Lence Treece, previously married to James Treece, brother to Henry. He married Christiana June 14, 1860.
Maston Treece, born about 1835, married Sarah Sifford, daughter of Peter Sifford who came to Union County from North Carolina in 1819. (5)
Elizabeth Treece, born August 18, 1838 (6) married Moses Hartman.
Jane Treece, born about 1843, married John C. Sharp, April 24, l859.
Mary Ann Treece born about 1843, married William Sharp, July 30, l865, by Rev. N. Albright.
George Treece, born about 1847 married Elizabeth Northern.
Catherine died prior to September 1873 and is probably buried beside her husband in Casper Cemetery.
1-Organ Church records. 2-birthdate from 1850 Census. 3-Union Co. marriage records. 4-Perrin's History-of -Alexander, Union and Pulaski Counties, IL. 5-Perrin's All data on this page from Lawanda Carter Wiley. 6-Headstone, Casper Cemetery.
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him, and he will bring it to pass. ( Psalm 37:5)
George Hartlein was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania in 1805, Confirmed May 03, 1823 at Howeter Lutheran Church, Upper Mahoney Township. He was the son of Conrad and Elizabeth Hartlein. (1) About 1828, George married Anna Maria Yoder, born October 07, 1797, a daughter of Peter Yoder. (2)
They had the following Children: (3) (6)
Isaac Hartlein, born early 1829, married Matilda Bechtel. (7) D
Joseph Hartlein, born December 15. 1830. D
Jared Hartlein, born December 20, 1833. D
George J. Hartlein, born 1836. (8)
Mary Ann Hartlein, born 1838. (8)
George and Anna lived in Mahantango township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. (4) After 1850, George and Anna moved to Shamokin Township, Northumberland County and both died there. George died in 1859 and Anna died in 1872. They are both buried at Jacob's Church Cemetery, Reed Station at Paxinos, Rapho Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. (5)
The Will of Anna Maria is printed along with other wills herein.
1-Deed book, Centre township, Union Co. Pa. Vol. I, p 290. 2-Dr. Charles A. Fisher, Abstracts of Snyder Co. Probate and Orphans Court Records, 3/8/1836, Ed Mosheim. 3-Mary A. Hartlein (Mrs. Chester Hartlein) 4-Deed book, Union. Co. Pa. Vol I, p 290. 5-Mary A. Hartlein. 6-C. Ed Mosheim. 7-Berrien County, MI burial records. 8-1850 U.S. Census records for George Hartlein.
Jacob Hartline, Jr. was born in Pennsylvania on February 4, 1805. (2) He married on February 1, 1829 to Anna Mary Logan of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, (3) born April 16, 1804. (4)
Their Children: (5)
William Hartline, born about 1835. D
Mary Margaret Hartline, born October 1836, married Vincent A. Smarsh. D
Jacob Hartline III, born about 1839.
According to the tax lists for Shippensburg township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Jacob was a brick molder. He was likely apprenticed to his brother George. In 1832, Jacob was living at Arch and Factory Streets (6) in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania (7) and was a master brick maker. (8) His brickyard was located at the corner of Walnut and Portland Streets. (7)
Jacob died May 8, 1888 at the home of his daughter. (9) He and Anna Mary are buried in the Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church Cemetery, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Anna Mary had been raised as a Roman Catholic and Jacob adopted this same faith.
1-Keith A. Nonemaker. 2-Tombstone. 3-Franklin Repository (Chambersburg newspaper). 4-Tombstone. 5-1850 U.S. Census. 6-Tax list. 7-Hauck’s Centenniel Directory of Mechanicsburg, 1876. 8-1860 Census. 9-Carlisle Daily Herald, May 9, 1999, p.4. Other information from David Calvin Hartline.
Rachel Hartline was born January 6, 1807 in Rowan County, North Carolina, daughter of George and Maria Ann Earnhardt Hartline. (1) She moved to Union County Illinois with her family, and on June 9, 1826, (2) she married Jacob Rendleman, Jr., son of Jacob and Elizabeth Fullenwider Rendleman born March 30, 1808. (3) Jacob Jr. was a farmer and fruit grower with 1600 acres of land worth $72,000. Their children: (4)
John Rendleman, born November 19, 1826.
William Rendleman, born May 28, 1829.
George Rendleman, born December 22, 1831.
Mastin Rendleman, born December 10, 1833.
Lucinda Rendleman, born February 22, 1836, married John Lamer, son of William and Mary Lamer, born 1805 in Kentucky.
Lovina Rendleman, born August 5, 1838, married Cyrus Lamer, son of William and Mary Lamer, born in Kentucky.
Jacob Rendleman III, born November 6, 1840.
Jefferson Rendleman, born November 19, 1842.
Marshall (M. M.) Rendleman, born January 17, 1847.
Nancy Catherine Rendleman, born July 2, 1852, married Thomas Cox, son of James and Martha Cox who lived in Kansas. (1)
Rachel Hartline Rendleman died of bronchitis after an illness of six months, on May 20, 1860, age 53, and is buried in Casper Church Cemetery north of Anna. All their children were born on the farm in Union County. Jacob had only three months formal education but through hard work and good management accumulated a remarkable estate.
After Rachel's death, Jacob married again on September 25, 1862, to Mary Ellen Wilson, a widow who was twenty-eight. She was born in Tennessee January 25, 1834, and had three daughters and a son by her previous marriage. Of these children one was Nancy Cathleen Wilson who married John Hartline. Another was Josephine Wilson who married George Hess, a grandson of Mary Hartline. Among the children of Jacob's second marriage was David F. Rendleman, born July 30, 1863, who married Frances Ida Hess, a daughter of Mary Hartline.
Jacob died at home, November 2, 1886 age 78. He named his son John executor of his estate which was appraised at $74,911.02 of which $58,857.28 was his personal property. John died before the estate was settled and his brother Jacob III assumed the responsibility, closing out the estate October 17, 1892. Jacob made his will July 6, 1885, by which his estate was shared by his widow and all her children by both marriages. Jacob's children by Rachel were not included because they had already been given farms. Jacob is buried beside Rachel in Casper Cemetery and Mary Ellen is buried there beside her daughter and son-in-law Charles and Amanda Walker.
All information this page from Lawanda Carter Wiley, sources:
1-Organ Church records. 2-Union County marriage records. 3-Billee Snead Webb, Martin Christopher Randleman, His Kin and Heirs 1754-1964. 4-Ibid.
(1807- )
John Hartline was born about 1807, (1) in Earl township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, thee son of Conrad and Elizabeth Hartlein. His parents moved from Berks County to Upper Mahantango township of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania between 1810 and 1820. (2)
In 1837, John was granted his father's estate, after paging his step-mother fifty dollars, and his brothers George and David each twenty-seven dollars, eighty-eight and one-half cents, and Peggy Hertline forty dollars and twenty-one cents. Peggy was probably his niece. His sisters Elizabeth and Rebecca released their share of the estate to John. (3)
1-1820 Census Berks County, PA 2-1820 Census. 3-Union County deed book Vol. I, p 290, Centre township, PA and will book J. p372
Elizabeth Hartlein, born December 20, 1807, Earl Township, Berks County Pennsylvania, a daughter of Conrad and Elizabeth Hartlein. She was Confirmed May 21, 1825, Howeter Lutheran Church, Upper Mahanoy Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. She married Daniel W. Maurer, about 1831, in Upper Mahantongo Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. He was born February 2, 1809, Upper Mahantongo Township, Schuylkill County. He was Confirmed May 21, 1825, Howeter's Church, Upper Mahanoy Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania and baptized February 23, 1809, Howeter's Church.
Their Children were:
Catharine Hartlein, age 18, married Charles Knarr.
Mary Hartlein, age 16.
Angeline Hartlein, age 14, married Jerome Heck.
Frank Hartlein, age 12.
Hannah Hartlein, age 10, married Emanuel Gheras.
Aaron Hartlein, age 7
Daniel Maurer purchased land in Eldred Township, Schuylkill Co. on March 29, 1860 and additional land on February 25, 1871. Occupation: 1880, Farmer. According to the U. S. 1880 Census, they lived in Eldred Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
Daniel W. Maurer died June 4, 1887, Pitman, Eldred Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania with Burial at Hepler's Church of God Cemetery, Pitman. Age at death - 72y, 4m, 2d. Daniel Maurer signed a will on December 15, 1882 in Eldred Township, Schuylkill County. His will was probated on June 10, 1887.
Elizabeth Hartlein Maurer died June 24, 1895, Pitman, Eldred Township, Schuylkill County, PA.; Burial: June 28, 1895, Hepler's Church of God Cemetery. Her age at death was 87y, 6m, 4d.
Eizabeth Hartline’s Will is dated February 16, 1895, Signed in Eldred Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
1-Ed Mosheim. 2-Rochelle Family History at Roots Web, Nancy Jeanne Rochelle Walker, njrw@gte.net.
(1810- )
Solomon Hertlein was born about 1810 (1) in Berks County, Pennsylvania, the son of George C. and Anna Maria Dilleplain Hartlein of Earl township. Solomon was confirmed in 1826, (2) and married Susanna Bertolet about 1836, and they had the following children: (3) (5)
Daniel, born October 25, 1837, baptized December 10, 1837. Daniel was in the 96th Pennsylvania infantry and was killed at Salem Heights, Virginia, May 3, 1863. (5)
Mariann, born August 23, 1839, baptized November 17, 1839, sponsors: George and Maria Hertlein. (4)
Albert Hertlein, born 1842. (5)
Harriett Hertlein, born 1849. (5)
Solomon Hertlein died in 1894. (5)
1-1850 Census, Berks County. 2,3-Hill Church records. 4-Oley township Lutheran Church records. 5-Dave Hartline.
Nancy Margaret Hartline was born January 30, 1812, in Rowan County, North Carolina, the daughter of John George Jr. and Maria Ann Earnhardt Hartline. At age six, she came with her parents to Union County, Illinois, in 1818. When she was 26, in 1838, she was married to 27 year old John S. Rendleman, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Fullenwider Rendleman Sr., who were early settlers in Union County from North Carolina. John received his early schooling in the subscription schools of the county, two of his teachers being John Dougherty and Winstead Davie, both of whom became men of prominence.
John fought in the Black Hawk War of 1832 enlisting for the duration of the war and serving 31 days. He is listed on the Illinois Adjutant General's Honor roll of burial places of service men buried in Illinois.(1) For four years after coming out of the army, John taught in the subscription schools of the county. In 1838 he purchased a farm near Alto Pass and he and Nancy made their home there. They had the following children: (2)
Mary Rendleman, born March 12, 1839.
Elizabeth Rendleman, born 1841.
Isaac Rendleman, born 1842 died 1902, children: Edward born 1868, Fred, born 1870, male, born 1874, Mary, born 1879, and Everette, born 1878. (3)
Clasinda (Clara) Rendleman, born 1846, married Philip Mead, Child:: Ann Marie Mead, married John D. Mesler.
Mary Cascell Rendleman, born 1847.
Andrew Jackson Rendleman, born April 6, 1848.
Nancy Margaret Hartline Rendleman died November 30, 1849 at the age of thirty-seven, and is buried at Casper Church Cemetery, beside her brother John and his wife Margaret. After Nancy Margaret's death, John married Elizabeth Donovan by whom he had four children. He died in 1896 and is buried at Cobden Cemetery beside his son Isaac Rendleman. (4)
1-Lawanda Carter Wiley. 2-p 561. 3-Billee Snead Webb. 3-1880 Union Co. Census. 4-All information on this page collected and compiled by Lawanda Carter Wiley.
Sophia Hartline was born about 1812 in Rowan County, North Carolina, daughter of John George Jr. and Maria Ann Earnhardt Hartline. She came to Union County, Illinois with her parents in 1818, where she married on February 15, 1831 to twenty-two year old Caleb Rendleman, son of Jacob Sr., and Elizabeth Fullenwider Rendleman. Caleb had come to Union County in 1818 with his parents from Rowan County, North Carolina also. Caleb was a farmer and owned 120 acres adjoining his brother Jacob's farm on the north and his brother-in-law, John Hartline's on the west. Caleb and Sophia had the following children: (1)
Charles Rendleman, born 1834.
Melinda Rendleman, born 1838, married Wilson Stone, September 27, 1855 (2)
Caleb Rendleman, born August 3, 1844.
Thomas Rendleman, born 1848.
Isaac Rendleman, born April 1, 1850.
Elizabeth Rendleman married William H. Liles, January 11, 1865. (3)
Clarissa Rendleman, born about 1852 (4) married John H. Cabaness, March 9, 1870, was living with her uncle Charles Hartline in 1860. (5) The exact date of Sophia's death is not known. Her husband Caleb and one of her sons were living with her brother Isaac in 1860. (6) Both Sophia and Caleb are believed to be buried in Casper Cemetery.
1-Billee Snead Webb 2-3-Mrs. Dewey Wilson, Wolf Lake, IL 4-5-1860 Census, Union Co., IL. 6-Ibid.
Daniel Hartlein was born November 3, 1813, in Berks County, Pensylvania, son of Johannes (1778) and Esther (Heinrich) Hartlein. He married Elizabeth Roth, born on February 2, 1811, in Berks County. They married between 1835 - 1837, in Berks County. Daniel Hertlein, at age 37, was listed as a tailor.
Harriet Hartlein, born January 31, 1838.
Susan Hartlein, born 1840.
Rebecca Hartlein, born 1842.
Elizabeth Hartlein, born 1845.
John Hartlein, born 1847.
Henry Hartlein, born 1839.
The 1850 census lists Daniel Hertlein's family in Oley Township, Berks County.
Daniel Hartlein died January 26, 1867 at age 53y, 1m, 24d., Friedensburg, Oley
Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. He is buried at Christ Lutheran (Friedens) Church, Oley Township, Berks County, PA.
Elizabeth Roth Hartlein died August 11, 1879, Oley Township, Berks Co., Pa.
She is also buried at Friedens Church Cemetery.
1-Ed Mosheim.
Caleb Hartline was born July 23, 1814, son of John George, Jr. and Maria Ann Earnhardt Hartline of Rowan County, North Carolina. In 1818, he moved with his parents to Union County, Illinois. Caleb had but little formal education, a few months in the log cabin school with its puncheon floor and big fireplace were the extent of the "larnin" he received. (2) Despite this lack of education, Caleb became a successful farmer and merchant.
He married in Union County on December 29, 1842 to Julia Ann Carter, born August 20, 1824. Widow Papers
They had the following children:
America Hartline, born about 1842. D
George Hartline, born about 1845, married Frank (Francis) Esson, July 19, l867. (3) D
Mary Jane (Jennie) Hartline, born about 1847, married Samuel P. Short. December 20, 1864, married 2. Armstrong. She died in 1915 and is buried beside her parents in Casper Cemetery.
Amanda Hartline, born about 1849, married Russell.
Margie Ann Hartline, born about 1850.
Alice Hartline, born 1852, married Corzine, died 1920 and is buried near her parents in Casper Cemetery.
Willis Allen Hartline, born about 1855. (4) D
Findley Scott Hartline, born about 1858, married Mattie Barnes, November 5, 1887. (5) Children: Clay C. born 1905 and Ray W. born 1906.
Ella Elizabeth Hartline, born September 9, 1860. (6)
Lizza Hartline, born April 13, 1863. (7) D
Caleb bought and sold land and town lots in and around Anna, Illinois. He bought 120 acres from his brother-in-law Caleb Rendleman and 80 acres from the Illinois Central railroad, on which he built what he called the Mansion House, in which he spent the remainder of his life. In 1867, he ventured into the mercantile business in partnership with his son George W. It was located in a house on the south side of Main Street, and sold boots, shoes, etc., under the name of C. Hartline and Son. (8) The building was eventually destroyed by fire after Caleb's death. Caleb and Julia owned one of the four pianos in the Anna Precinct, they were members of Casper Lutheran Church.
Caleb made his will in April 1870, in the presence of John Cassel and Benjamin Franklin Hartline and named as his executor his son George W., who was to serve without bond. He died of pneumonia on June 26, 1870, in his home north of Anna, age fifty-six. He is buried at Casper Cemetery. Caleb left an estate of approximately twenty thousand dollars. (9)
1-Lawanda Carter Wiley. 2-Perrin. 3-Union Co. marriage records. This page researched by Lawanda Wiley. 4-1860 Census, Union Co IL. 5-Union Co. marriage records. 6-Union Co. guardianship records. 7-Headstone, Casper Cemetery. 8-Jonesboro Gazzette, April 20, 1867. 9-All data this article, Lawanda Wiley.
Josiah (Jessiah) D. Hartline was born October 9, 1814, in Berks County, Pennsylvania, son of George (1781) and Maria Dilleplain Hartlein. About 1841, Josiah married Mary-Anna [Nancy] Drumheller, born February 27, 1819, daughter of David Drumheller (1792-1837) and his wife Barbara (Bauer) Drumheller. Josiah and Nancy had three sons:
David Drumheller Hartline born September 2, 1842. (15) D
Albert Hartline, born January 19, 1845, baptized May 11, 1845. (3)
Aaron Hartline, born April 27, 1847, baptized May 14, 1847. (4)
Mary Anna (Nancy) died January 4, 1848.
On October 27, 1850, Josiah married Anna Maria Hoffman, (1) born February 15, 1827, daughter of John Hoffman. (2) Josiah and Anna Maria had the following children:
Morris H. Hartline, born January 5, 1853. (5) (7) He married Rebecca E., died August 12, 1942, buried Spangsville, Pennsylvania. Rebecca died December 25, 1920.
Franklin H. Hartline, born November 10, 1854, (6) (7) baptized December 8, 1854. Died December 23, 1938, buried Spangsville, Pennsylvania.
Deborah Hartline, married Cornelius Kuser. (7)
Hannah Hartline, died young. (8)
Harriet Hartline, died Young.(9)
Charles H. Hartline, born March 22, 1858. (10) D
Ellen Hartline, born 1862, married Charles Ohlinger of Reading. (11)
Enoch H. Hartline, born October 27, 1864. (12) D
Josiah (“Jessiah,” sometimes written “Isaiah”) was a shoemaker by trade and lived in Oley township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. He died of pneumonia, March 21, 1877, (13) and is buried in the Oley Lutheran Church Cemetery. Anna died September 10, 1899, and is buried beside Josiah. (14)
1,5-Headstone, Oley Luth. Cemetery, Berks Co., Pa. 2,3-Morton L. Montgomery Historical & Biographical Annals of Berks County, PA. 3,4,6Hill Church, sponsors of 3&4 David and Sarah Drumheller, Mary Anna [Nancy’s] brother and his wife. (no further information on Albert and Aaron) 7,8,9,11,12,13-Morton L. Montgomery. 10-Hill Church records. 14-Headstones. 15-David Calvin Hartline.
James Alexander Hartline was born December 13, 1815, in Rowan County, North Carolina, the son of George and Betsey Bostian Hartline. (1) His family moved to Georgia in 1816, and he grew-up in Henry County, Georgia. (2) He married February 2, 1840, to Nancy L. Morgan, from Asheville, North Carolina, daughter of William and Rebecca Morgan. Nancy was born January 29, 1817. (3) They settled in Dade County, Georgia on the Georgia/Alabama line in the Sulphur Springs community, where all their children were born:
John P. Hartline, born November 25, 1840. D
George William Hartline, born February 17, 1843. D
Rebecca Ann Hartline, born May, 1846. D
James Newton Hartline, born April 7, 1849. D
Sarah F. Hartline, born May 10, 1852, died September 7, 1916.
Francis Marion Alexander Hartline, born November 10, 1854. D
Nancy Jane, born May 22, 1857, married George W. Oneal.
Martha Victory Hartline, born May 30, 1862, died July 12, 1862.
In 1860, Alec's farm was valued at two thousand dollars. He and Nancy lived on their Sulphur Springs farm until he died November 4, 1892, and she died January 31, 1898. (4) they are buried side-by-side in the Hartline Cemetery in the Sulphur Springs community. (5)
1-Organ Church records. 2-Ga. Archives, N.R. 1808-1829, p 200. 3- James A. Hartline Bible, Martha Hansberger, 929 Conroy Rd. Birmingham, Al. 35222. 4,5-J.J. Duckworth research.
William Henry Hartline was born April 26, 1815, in Berks County, above Reading Pennsylvania, a son of Frederich & Elizabeth Hartlein. The 1850 census lists William Hartlein, age 35, a tailor, living in Amity Township in Berks County, Pennsylvania.
He married Rachel Hoffman (2) November 22, 1840 in St. Joseph's Hill Church, Pike Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.(3) Rachel was born March 16, 1817 probably in Berks County, PA.
Children of William Henry Hartline and Rachel Hoffman are:
Matilda Hartline (4), born August 21, 1841, Amity Township, Berks County,
Pennsylvania married 1. Bennewell Harp. 2. William Bradford, Bet. 1870 –1900.
Mary, born about 1844, Amity Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.
Rebecca, born about 1845, Amity Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania,
married to John P. Henszeg.
Charles H. Hartline, born August 21, 1847, Amity Township, Berks County,
Pennsylvania. He married Susan S. Lessig April 20 1867 and they lived at
John R. Hartline, b. About 1849, Amity Township, Berks County,
Pennsylvania. He married Catherine Sascomb.
George W. Hartline, born March 23, 1851, Amityville, Berks County, PA,
He lived at Pottstown, Pennsylvania. He Married Louisa Reilly/Riley.
Albert M. Hartline, born about 1854 in Amity Township, Berks County,
Pennsylvania. He Married Ellen S. Ludwig.
William Henry Hartline was a tailor in Amity Township of Berks County in 1850.
William Henry Hartline died December 5, 1894 in Pottstown Hospital, Pottstown, Montgomery County, PA., burial: December 8, 1894, Pottstown Cemetery, East Side, Pottstown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Age at death was 79.
Rachel Hoffman Hartline died January 12, 1891 in Pottstown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. (Home of George W. Hartline, her son). Obituary
1-Entire page Researched by Ed Mosheim. 2-Hill Church Records. 3-. Marriages & Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churches, Donna Irish, Page 562 - *Hertlein, Will'm, Rahel Hoffman 22 Nov 1840, The asterix * denotes that the record was transferred to the St. Joseph's Hill Church record book during the 20th century, indicating that the marriage didn't take place at the Falkner Swamp Church, but at St. Joseph's Hill Church in PIke Township, Berks County. 4-St. Paul's Lutheran Church Records, Amityville, Amity Township, Berks Co., PA.
(1816- )
Charles Hartline was born September 23, 1816, and he married January 1, 1839 to Susannah Smith, born February 8, 1818. Charles is believed to have been a Silversmith in Salisbury, Pennsylvania. One of his sons was born in Dauphin County, prior to moving to Salisbury.
Charles and Susannah had the following children:
William Charles Hartline, born January 5, 1840. ?
Anna Mary Hartline, born February 25, 1841, never married. She is buried on Fogle land in Salisbury.
Carline Hartline, born August 23, 1842
Susan Hartline, born May 13, 1844, married a Strother.
John Henry Hartline, born July 10, 1846, Married Tillie Fogle. D
Joseph Franklin Hartline, born December 12, 1848, married (1) Sarah Dehaven, (2) Ellen Hechler.
Rufus Ira Hartline, born June 21, 1856, moved to Akron, OH. D
Source: Elaine Hartline, 388 Main St., Rockwood, PA
Charles Hartline was born March 24, 1817 in Rowan County, North Carolina, son of George and Maria Ann Earnhardt Hartline, and came to Union County, Illinois with his parents at age one. He was reared on his father's farm and attended subscription schools of the county. When he was twenty one, he married on June 10, l838 in Union County, to Sarah Rendleman, daughter of Jacob Sr. and Elizabeth Fullenwider Hartline, natives of North Carolina. Sarah was born August 23, 1819.
Charles and Sarah had one child who died in infancy.
They adopted a daughter, Elizabeth, who was born about 1836. D
In 1860, Charles owned $5,600 of real estate in personal property. (2) There was never a time that Charles and Sarah did not have other children living in their home. In 1850, Jacob Shy, age seven was living there, and in 1860, they had Clarissa Rendleman, age eight, a niece, daughter of Caleb and now diseased Sophia Hartline Rendleman. 0ther children in the l860s were Martha Smiley, seventeen, Jacob Shy, seventeen, Ephriam Dural, eighteen, and in 1870, George Davis, age fourteen, who later married Sarah Ellen Gunter, daughter of Elizabeth (Charles' adopted daughter) and Harvey Gunter. In 1880, Adaline Akens, nineteen, was living with them, along with Jasper Smith, fourteen, and Ellen Lamphis, twenty. (3) Charles lived all his adult life near Union County, where he died of cancer July 13, 1892, after a long illness. He made his will June 24, 1876, in the presence of A. Polk Jones and Henry P. Colby, naming as executrix his wife, Sarah, not requiring security. He left his estate to Sarah with the provision that at her death, the remainder of the estate would go to the children of their adopted daughter, Elizabeth.
Sarah declined to serve as executrix upon the death of Charles, and the court appointed George W. Gunter, son of Elizabeth and Harvey Gunter, to administrate the estate. His security was provided by his four sisters, Sarah E. Davis, Ollie N. Weiss, Delia Rendleman and Alice Hilton.
Sarah died November 2, l896, according to probate records of Jonesboro Courthouse, however the inscription on her stone in Casper Cemetery says she died October 23, l896. She is buried beside her husband. (1)
1-Lawanda Carter Wiley. 2- 1860 Census, Union Co., IL. 3-Listed dates from census records, Union County.
Jesse B. Hartline was born May 29, 1817, in Jackson County, Georgia, a son of George and Betsy Bostian Hartline. In 1833, his family moved to Cherokee County, Alabama, into the Broomtown district and settled in an area called Chesterfield, near the present day town of Jamestown, at the foot of Lookout Mountain.
Prior to 1840, Jesse married Jane Hutchens.
Martha J. Hartline, born June 24, 1840, never married, died August 29, 1908 and is buried in the Davis cemetery in Cherokee County, Alabama
Sarah J. Hartline, born May 5, 1843, married F. T. Pruitt on August 1, 1888, in Cherokee County. She died August 8, 1929 and is buried in Davis Cemetery.
William Sanford Hartline, born in 1846. D
Minerva J. Hartline, born October 15, 1848, married J. M. Henderson. She died July 18, 1879 and is buried in Davis Cemetery.
Giles A. Hartline, born in 1853. D
Sophronia (Sofronia) Alabama Hartline, born June 24, 1856, married Edmond D. Hurley, June 22, 1871.(3) D
Jesse lived on his farm in the Broomtown District of Cherokee County until his death, June 27, 1889, and was buried beside his wife Jane, who died December 29, 1886, in the Davis Cemetery, one mile south of Blanche Crossroads. (3)
1-Lawanda Carter Wiley. 2-J. J. Duckworth, paper, THE HARTLEIN ANCESTRY OF THE HARTLINE FAMILY OF NORTHEASTERN ALABAMA. 3-Additional information from Dana Hartline.
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4 :19 )
(Wilhelm) WILLIAM HARTLINE (A) (1)
William Hartline was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, August 28, 1817, a son of Michael and Elizabeth Hartline. He married first (2) Elizabeth Fronheiser on October 27, 1844 at New Hanover Lutheran Church in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth Fronheiser was born March 29, 1823 in Berks County, Pennsylvania.
William Hartline and Elizabeth Fronheiser had the following children: (3)
John Henry Hartline, born January 14, 1846, Pike Township, Berks Co,
PA. He died (4) on April 11, 1853 in Pike Township, Berks County, PA.
Augustus Hartline, born July 27, 1848, Pike Township Berks County, PA
He died (5) on July 15, 1927 in Columbia County, PA. D
William Hartline, born December 31, 1849, Pike Township, Berks County,
PA. He died (4) in Pike Township, Berks County, PA on February 12, 1857.
Abraham F. Hartlein, born 1854, in Pike Township, Berks County, PA. He
died in 1917 in Milton, NJ. D
Elizabeth Fronheiser Hartline died on (4,5) September 21, 1858 in Pike township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.
William married second (6) Rachel Haas, a widow, on December 3, 1859 in Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, Rachael’s date of birth is unknown. William Hartline and Rachael moved to Madison Township, Columbia County in about 1860.
William Hartline and Rachael Haas had the following children.
Susan Hartline was born March 10, 1862 in Madison Township, Columbia
County, PA. She died (7) December 10, 1864 in Madison Township,
Columbia County, PA.
Cyrus L. Hartline was born March 10, 1864 in Madison Township,
Columbia County, PA. He died (6) December 22, 1923 in Columbia
Rachael Haas Hartline (5) died on June 24, 1865 in Madison Township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania and is buried at the (5) Washingtonville Cemetery, Derry Township, Montour County, PA.
William married third to Hannah, nee unknown, after 1865 in Pennsylvania. Hannah was born June 5, 1828.
William Hartline and Hannah had the following child. (3)
Hannah Elizabeth was born about 1867.
There are three children who could not be placed with specific parents. Their names are Amanda, Lorin, and Benjamin. Specific dates of birth are required to determine their parents.
William Hartline was a farmer and was buried at the (5) Washingtonville Cemetery in Derry Township, Montour County, PA. William died September 30, 1895, after three years of heart dropsy. He was seventy-six years of age. Hannah died August 29, 1908 at eighty years of age in Jerseytown, Madison Township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. She is also buried in the Washingtonville Cemetery.
1-Hill Church. 2-Hanover Church. 3-Ed Mosheim. 4-St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Cemetery Records, Pike Township, Berks County, Pa. 5-Reading Adler Newspaper, Reading, PA.
6- Marriages at Trinity Lutheran Church Marriage Records, Reading, PA., Florence Kindt, Danville, PA. ,Will Book 77, p 500, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. 7-Washingtonville Cemetery, Derry Township, Montour County, PA. Note-Thanks to Ed Mosheim for a great job of research on this article.
End of Page.